Spaghettoni alla carbonara with octopus and pancetta with chips – Italian Cuisine

Spaghettoni alla carbonara with octopus and pancetta with chips


Spaghettoni alla carbonara with octopus and pancetta with provolone chips, the preparation

1) Boil the octopus for at least 50 minutes, until tender, leave it cool in the cooking water, then cut it into small pieces.

2) Meanwhile, mixed provolone, parmesan, breadcrumbs and a pinch of pepper; distributed the mixture on a plate lined with baking paper e bake at 180 ° for 10 minutes; remove from the oven, let it cool And chopped the compound hardened forming many chips.

3) In a non-stick pan, browned the bacon with the peeled garlic without adding seasoning, then dry with a little kitchen paper the excess grease on the bottom of the container. United the chopped octopus, a few sprigs of thyme and let it flavor a few moments; deleted the clove of garlic and keep warm.

4) Cook spaghetti in plenty of moderately salted water. Meanwhile, in a bowl, slam egg and yolks with pecorino cheese and a pinch of pepper. Drain the pasta e join it with octopus and bacon e jumbled up Well.

5) Tasferite the pasta and the sauce in the bowl with the beaten egg and yolks, jumbled up well and add a little cooking water. Distribute on the pasta the provolone chips crumbled, a few leaves of thyme e served.


Posted on 18/10/2021



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