Spaghetti with hazelnuts – 's Spaghetti with hazelnuts recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Spaghetti with hazelnuts - Misya's Spaghetti with hazelnuts recipe


First of all, boil the water for the pasta, lightly salted and, when it boils, drop.
In the meantime, chop the hazelnuts fairly finely (or even more coarsely, if you prefer), leaving a few nuts aside to decorate the dishes.

Prepare a sauté with garlic, oil, chilli and chopped anchovy, then add 3/4 of the hazelnuts and toast them in the sauce.
Also add 1 ladle of pasta water and cook until you add the pasta after having drained it, then adjust the remaining chopped hazelnuts and season with salt.

The spaghetti with hazelnuts are ready: serve, garnish with the hazelnuts left aside and serve.


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