Risotto with lemon and grilled courgettes, the vegetarian recipe to enjoy the flavors of a summer dish – Italian Cuisine

Risotto with lemon and grilled courgettes, the vegetarian recipe to enjoy the flavors of a summer dish


The origins exact of Lemon risotto and grilled courgettes they are difficult to track, but this vegetarian recipe represents a modern interpretation of Italian cuisine. Risotto, a traditional dish from the Bel Paese, goes perfectly with the fresh and slightly acidic taste of lemon and the delicacy of grilled courgettes. This combination has gained popularity in recent years and is now a beloved dish around the world. Plus, it’s a nutritious vegetarian choice. Rice provides complex carbohydrateswhile courgettes are one source of vitamins and of potassium. The lemon adds a touch of acidity, delivers C vitamin And antioxidants.

This dish is full of fibers and can contribute to better digestion. Furthermore, its light profile makes it a healthy and healthy choice, ideal for those who follow a balanced eating style. The lemon and grilled courgette risotto is particularly suitable for spring and summer, when the vegetables are in season and the lemon offers the maximum of its aroma and flavour. Therefore, it is the ideal food to enliven a light lunch or an outdoor summer dinner. Run to the kitchen, open the pantry and cook this delicious lemon and grilled courgette risotto with us! It will be a success!


This recipe has already been read 143 times!

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