Ricotta and spinach gnudi – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Ricotta and spinach gnudi


If you are looking for one spectacular first dishsimilar to gnocchi but without the potatoes, the gnudi Of ricotta And spinach they are definitely right for you. Also defined as “badly made“, Tuscan gnudi (in addition to being a very tasty dish) have a decidedly original name: in the Tuscan dialect, in fact, the term “gnudi” is equivalent to “naked“, therefore stripped of the browse Of pasta toegg which instead distinguishes i classic ravioli.

A rustic and satisfying dish, Tuscan gnudi with ricotta and spinach are a canonical dish of tradition peasantwhen a single dish was prepared with just a few genuine ingredients: a typical delicacy, in particular, of Grosseto and Siena, two cities where good cuisine is at home.

Elegant and balanced, in their simplicity the gnudi with ricotta and spinach are a dish That surprisingdouble tied to one poor kitchen but dedicated to the land: here is the traditional recipe!


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