From PizzAut to Tortellante, Monza becomes MonzAut: program – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


The connection between food and music is served by Nicola Fasani, the legendary bassist Phaso: «It will be a day of great music presented without great pomp, but with a lot of substance. Imagine a nice parallel, let’s say grandma’s tagliatelle on stagemade the old fashioned way with healthy, genuine ingredients, played with passion by kids who still believe in their product, in their music and in the story they are trying to write.”

From PizzAut to Tortellante passing through SbrisolAut, the children of the 11 associations involved will be an active part of two days dedicated to celebration, music, information, but above all fun and good food. Here’s what will happen in detail.

The MonzAut program, 25 – 26 May 2024

May 25th

The day of May 25th takes the title of MONZAUT and is organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Monza and PizzAUT: theentry is free.

From 5.00pm to 7.00pm in Arengario Square personalities and associations will alternate on stage for a talk show dedicated to Autism and Autonomy, with the contribution of sector experts for a deeper understanding of the needs of people with disabilities and their families. Moderated by Elisabetta Soglio, journalist and co-author of the book It is forbidden to trample on dreams with Nico Acampora.

From 7.00pm to 9.00pm musical entertainment byFacciaVista Associationwhich follows a musical DJ set workshop for children with autism.

In the square it will be possible to dine thanks to the “Aut format” food trucks, here they are 11 associations involved for food & beverage:

From 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm The associations will once again alternate on stage for a one-of-a-kind evening of entertainment.

May 26th

The May 26th returns for the third edition The Concertozzo which this year is held for the first time at the U-Power Stadium – thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of Monza, AC Monza and PIZZAUT – becoming The Concertozzo at the Stadiozzo.


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