Baked vegetables: 15 recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


The scent inebriates the kitchen: the baked vegetables they are ready! Very easy, quick, all you need is a tray and they don’t even get the stove dirty. And then the result is unique, delicious… More than sad vegetables, with our recipes.

Baked vegetables: easy and good all year round

The raw material almost always needs to be processed as little as possible, so that it remains easily recognisable: the condiments will make the ingredients delicious recipes. For example, baked fennel with herb and almond bread is great to bring to the table original, healthy and tasty way vegetables.

Also there pumpkin gives many emotions, prepared in the oven. With a few tricks it can become super tasty, just cut it into wedges, sprinkle it with a drizzle of oil, add salt, pepper and, if you want to be a little more daring, even a pinch of coffee. For those who are looking for a comfort food to pamper yourself, then cheeses and cured meats cannot be missing: an example? The quick baked side dish, a real delight. But also the onions stuffed with provolone, raisins and hazelnuts, which are also cheap, as well as delicious, and are truly capable of surprising even the most refined palates with that memory of the French soupe à l’oignon.

Vegetables, with their infinite palette of colors and flavours, enrich every course with taste: from the most delicious appetizers, to rich and substantial single dishes such as baked aubergines, side summer par excellence, to be sliced ​​or even stuffed, why not. An inevitable companion for second courses of meat and fish, baked vegetables are also excellent to be enjoyed in the simplest way with just oil, salt and pepper. A cheerful diced of vegetables cut into cubes and flavored with an aromatic panure, creates an irresistible gratin during cooking and finally, spinach: have you ever tried gratinating baked ones too? Very good.

15 recipes for irresistible baked vegetables

15 baked vegetable recipes

If baking is your favorite, watch this video


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