Recipe Thyme and lemon bruschetta with scampi – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Thyme and lemon bruschetta with scampi


  • 8 pcs Slices of homemade bread
  • 3 pcs spring onions
  • 8 pcs Shelled Norway lobster tails
  • 1 pc Ripe tomato
  • 1 pc Bunch of thyme
  • Acacia's honey
  • Lemon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

Line a baking sheet, place the slices of bread and bake them at 170 ° C for 5 minutes.

Browse through a bunch of thyme.

Peel the spring onions while keeping a little green and slice them with salami.

Brown them in a little oil for 1 ', then reduce the heat, add a teaspoon of thyme leaves, a grated lemon zest, a teaspoon of honey and continue cooking for 2-3'.

Cut the tomato into four wedges.

Rub the slices of bread removed from the oven with the wedges of ripe tomato, salt and flavor them with a grated lemon zest and the rest of the thyme.

Heat a pan veiled with oil; when it is hot, scald the prawn tails shelled for 1 'on one side only. Add salt.

Spread the spring onions over the slices of bread, complete with the scampi and serve immediately.


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