Valentine's Day: if you don't feel romantic, go to Hamerica's – Italian Cuisine


The last bite challenge launched by Hamerica's to entertain the most hungry and ironic couples.

February 14 is the feast of romantic love. Eyes to eyes, flowers, promises and candlelit dinners. But how will the most countercurrent and witty couples celebrate? Hamerica’s, the restaurant specializing in recipes made in the USA, offers a challenge for couples that will appeal to the most irreverent. The Valentine Fried Chicken Challenge will reward you who manages to finish first a menu consisting of sandwich with fried chicken cutlet with double panko breading, with iceberg salad, tomato, guacamole, the rosy Thousand Island sauce made with mayonnaise, and a double side dish of fried sweet potatoes with crisscut cut and the inevitable onion rings.

Are you already hungry? Warning: the participating couples will have to beat the record of 3 minutes and 38 seconds set by Luca "Lello" Palomba (who is part of the Chef in Camicia team who launched the food challenge). Luca will be present in the Turin restaurant, but the challenge is open in all the Hamerica's of Italy. The winners will receive a voucher for a dinner and will be included in the appropriate "wall of fame" of the restaurant!

For info and reservations – and
Facebook page of the event:


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