Recipe for baked Polignano carrots with crumbled feta – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe for baked Polignano carrots with crumbled feta


There Polignano carrot it is cultivated in the Bari area in lands close to the sea, and therefore saline, with traditional criteria, including irrigation with brackish water. It has a variable color from yellow to purple and a particular taste savory and fresh. It also contains less sugar of common carrots.

In this recipe we offer it cooked in the oven with herbs, a preparation that is completed with toasted bread cubes, feta crumbled, chervil and ginger for an easy and light appetizer or side dish. As an alternative to Polignano carrots you can use common carrots or replace the feta with Quartirolo cheese.

Also discover these recipes: Glazed carrots, crunchy chips and green sauce, Carrots with hazelnuts and pistachio cream, Caramelized onions and baked carrots, Baked potatoes and vegetables.


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