Recipe Eggplant au gratin with pecorino cheese, with onions, courgettes and pine nuts – Italian Cuisine


  • 500 g 2 aubergines
  • 300 g zucchini
  • 15 g pine nuts
  • 1/2 red onion
  • sugar
  • thyme
  • Taggiasca olives
  • Pecorino Dop
  • peanut oil
  • vinegar
  • extra virgin olive oil

For the recipe aubergines au gratin with pecorino cheese, with onions, courgettes and pine nuts, wash the aubergines and cut them into wedges, lengthwise, without removing the stalk.
Grease them with a drizzle of oil, add a few sprigs of thyme and bake at 200 ° C for about 15 minutes.
Cut diced courgettes, eliminating the part too rich in seeds. Brown them in a pan with a drizzle of oil and the pine nuts for about 10 minutes. Add 1 spoonful of Taggiasca olives and cook for another 1 minute, stirring.
Cut the onion into wedges. Heat a drizzle of peanut oil in a saucepan (which does not interfere with the taste of the onion: if you prefer, you can also use extra virgin olive oil). Add the onion, a dash of vinegar and a pinch of sugar. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
Remove from the oven the aubergines, sprinkle with grated pecorino and bake again at 200 ° C for 1-2 minutes, until browned.
Serve them together with sautéed courgettes and onions, completing as desired with fresh thyme sprigs.

Recipe: Valeria Nozari, Texts: Laura Forti; Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


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