Tag: eggplant

Light fish second course to stay fit with taste – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Light fish second course to stay fit with taste


Are you looking for a light and tasty second course of fish to prepare in a short time and with simple steps? Make this exquisite Grilled grey mullet fillet with aubergines, tomato and basilone light recipe which enhances Mediterranean flavours, offering a healthy and refined alternative for your meals.


Eggplant meatballs with sauce: the vegetarian recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Eggplant meatballs with sauce.

How to roast aubergines

As I was telling you, this recipe can be unpleasant in the summer just because of the inconvenience of the oven because you have to cook the aubergines in the oven to soften them.
But there are some good alternatives. Another solution is to turn on a griddle and cook them there, turning them often until the entire outside is charred. You can also do it on a barbecue in contact with the fire to save time, or on the stove.

Or you can prick the eggplant and put it in the microwave at 800 W for 15 minutes.
If you don’t want to try all these alternative methods, cut the eggplant into cubes and cook it in a pan with oil. Once soft, mash it.
In this last variant you can also leave the peel without any problems and it will blend in with the rest.

Meatball Sandwich

A brilliant, original and delicious way to serve these meatballs is to put them inside a sandwich, with their tomato sauce.
Needless to say, everyone will go crazy and it could be a nice idea for a summer dinner standing up or for a aperitif. The sandwich must be crispy and with the crumb ready to absorb all the flavors. Alternatively, use focaccia, or a tortilla to make a sort of burrito.


Eggplant roll with chickpea cream and dried tomatoes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Eggplant roll with chickpea cream and dried tomatoes


Prepare the chickpea cream blending cooked chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and salt until smooth. Spread a generous amount of chickpea cream and a couple of dried tomatoes on each slice of grilled aubergine.


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