Tag: gratin

Baked asparagus au gratin: the tastiest side dish – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Baked asparagus au gratin should be cooked well laid out next to each other for a uniform result.

Nataliia Yankovets

Asparagus: better raw or cooked?

As you have read in the recipe, I use raw asparagus and do not let them cook first in boiling water, as I prefer them tasty, crunchy and of a nice bright green color.

If you prefer a softer consistency, cook them for a few minutes in boiling water, then drain them, dry them and sprinkle them with breadcrumbs before putting them in the oven.
Up to now we have only talked about classic green asparagus, the ones that are sold in bunches in vegetable stalls, but you can use those whites and those wild.

In these cases, however, blanch them because the former are larger and do not cook easily in the oven and the latter have a bitter taste which must be toned down.

Asparagus cooked in the oven from raw is crispier and has a brighter color.

Cavan Images

Not just breadcrumbs

You can also use other types of bread for the breading.
If you want something lighter and have some bread to recycle, chop the breadcrumbs which will be super crunchy once cooked in the oven.
Or opt for the pankowhich is a Japanese breadcrumbs available in many Asian shops, or try making it at home by chopping very soft white bread like the one in a loaf.
You can add some aromatic herbs to the breading as I did. In addition to parsley, mint, basil, marjoram and thyme go well with asparagus.
And for a touch of freshness, grate some Lemon peel.
I love this citrus note!


Fennel au gratin | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Fennel au gratin |  Yummy Recipes


Crispy and quick, ready in just a few minutes, i fennel au gratin without bechamel they are a decidedly lighter variant of the classic recipe: the unmistakable taste of these purely winter vegetables and thetasty breading Of bread crumbs and of parmesan these are the secrets of a fresh side dish, excellent in combination with meat dishes because it is light and aromatic.

Easy to prepare and ideal for accompanying “robust” second courses (but not only), fennel gratin without bechamel are prepared in less Of half an hour: just clean the fennel and cut it into wedges, then season it with extra virgin olive oil, salt and parmesan for a breading that will provide a crunchy and delicious side dish in the oven.

A real “dinner saver”, i gratin fennel without bechamel they are perfect if you don’t want to spend too much time in the kitchen: among the options to bring to the table there is in fact this dish which can be served as a single dish or as a second course, but also as a side dish, to accompany omelettes or cheeses. Mouth watering is guaranteed: let’s see how to prepare them!


Gratin cauliflower – ‘s recipe – Italian Cuisine

Cavolfiore gratinato


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