Tag: Nuts

Chicken rice with raisins and pine nuts – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chicken rice with raisins and pine nuts


Add the raisins, salt to your liking and pour in all the broth, cooking over medium heat for half an hour. In the meantime, brown the rice in a pan with the remaining butter and add the pine nuts. Add the rice to the chicken, cover and cook over a low heat for about twenty minutes. Place the chicken on the rice and serve immediately.


Cheesecake recipe with walnuts and salted caramel, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Cheesecake recipe with walnuts and salted caramel, the recipe


Step 1

For the cheesecake recipe with walnuts and salted caramel, line a baking tray with baking paper and place a ring mold (ø 20 cm, h 6-7 cm) in the centre.

Step 2

Coarsely chop the biscuits and 40 g of walnuts, mix everything with the melted butter and distribute the mixture in the ring: press well to compact it and create a homogeneous base. Cool in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Step 3

Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix the white spreadable cheese with the yogurt, the seeds of the vanilla pod and 40 g of cream.

Step 4

Whisk the eggs and egg yolks with 100 g of sugar for a long time until you obtain a soft, voluminous and light mixture. Stir in the flour and combine this foam with the cheese mixture using a spatula (whisks are not suitable).

Step 5

Pour everything into the ring, over the biscuit base, and bake at 200°C; after 10 minutes lower the temperature to 120°C, open the door for 1 minute, then close it and cook for another hour. Turn off and let the cheesecake cool in the oven.

Step 6

Once cold, place it in the fridge to harden for 4-6 hours.

Step 7

Dissolve 100 g of sugar with 25 g of water in a saucepan: as soon as you obtain a light blond caramel, remove it from the heat and mix in 70 g of hot cream and a knob of butter. Leave to cool, then add a pinch of salt.

Step 8

Unmold the cheesecake and top it with the caramel and the rest of the nuts.


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