Poppy strudel – Sale & Pepe – Italian Cuisine

Poppy strudel - Sale & Pepe


1) In a bowl mix flour with baking powder, sugar and soft butter into small pieces. Therefore add the eggs and knead everything again. Cover with a cloth and let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

2) In a saucepan boil a quantity of milk equal to the volume of poppy seeds; once it reaches a boil, add the seeds and cook them over very low heat for about ten minutes (the seeds must be just covered: you can eliminate excess milk or add more if necessary). At the end of cooking, the liquid must be perfectly blended with the poppy seeds and form a well-bonded, soft but not liquid mass.

3) Leave cool down, so add a few tablespoons of honey to sweeten and further bind the filling. Roll out half of the dough creating a rectangle of about 20×40 cm, spread over the filling leaving a couple of centimeters from the edge, then roll it up not too narrow lengthwise. Do the same with the second strudel.

4) Brush each strudel with a beaten yolk and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Serve them lukewarm into slices of about 1 cm, sprinkled with icing sugar.


Posted on 25/01/2022



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