Pinsa Roman recipe with chicory, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pinsa Roman recipe with chicory, the recipe


There Roman pinsa it is a pizza characterized by an oval shape, crispy edges and soft, but not too thick, dough. He has one recent history: it was invented by Corrado Di Marco, an entrepreneur in the world of flours and pizza technician, who called it that from the Latin pinsere, or “to press”, “to crush”.

The secret to getting a good result is to work the pinsa dough with the fingertips, opening and closing it, with movements from the outside towards the inside, several times, between one leavening and another. Only at the last minute, before putting it in the oven, does she lie down and give him one oval shape. Then spread your fingers and begin to sink them into the dough, creating even dimples that will promote impeccable cooking.

Pinsa can be seasoned with many ingredients, in this recipe we have chosen them punterellecharacteristic vegetables of Lazio cuisine, seasoned with anchovies. Also discover: Pinsa with ‘nduja, stracciatella and pineapple, Pinsa, pumpkin cream and Catalonia.


This recipe has already been read 113 times!

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