Pinky toast: the recipe for trendy Fancy Toast – Italian Cuisine


American toasts are open, colorful, healthy and very fancy. Queso in total pink is one of those you like in Milan – and that you can easily do at home

Trends are born on the West Coast of the United States, California, and Open Toast is one of them. Nothing so new in reality, but a slice of bread in a cottage, topped with topping (and up to here it is an Italian bruschetta or a Danish smorrebrod) but colorful. In San Francisco, the city of love, what is in fashion is colorful, healthy, multi-ethnic and with tacos and poké, open toast is also in trend. The most famous? Avocado toast.

For us, the toast is closed between two slices of bread, cheese and ham. For Americans, it is a grilled cheese sandwich (that is also in fashion), but the Open toast is made differently, but just as simple.

Here's how they prepare it from Fancy Toast, a Milanese fast food chain that imported the idea from California to Italy – and explains the secrets to do it.

The bread
The slice of bread must be high, that of Fancy Toast is 2.54 centimeters high, toasted to perfection in their original Californian toasters, the same ones they use in the West Coast. The best bread is cereal bread, made with sourdough and a little salt. After the plate it must be crunchy on the outside, even better if on the edge of the scorched, extremely soft inside, warm and fragrant.

The cream
The second element is the cream, or mash, arranged in a zigzag! Each self-respecting open toast has its own cream or mash (from English to mash, "reduce to pulp"!) Arranged in a zigzag, directly from the pastry bag, on the slice of bread that serves as a base, for create a perfect contrast of textures.

Above the cream or mash are the ingredients of your favorite toast! Meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and sweets of all kinds, is really worth everything. Just be colorful, fun, carefree and bring the West Coast to mind

The sauce
On open toast you don't settle: the sauce goes there, and that's it, as in the States. Arranged in zigzag, it gives the final touch. Mustard dressing, passion fruiti sauce, yogurt sauce and honey sauce: here too, there are no limits.

Pinky toast
The trendy recipe is the pink one, of course, that of Pinky Toast with beetroot humus, diced avocado, radishes, dried fruit, sprouts and edible flowers. Served with parsley creme fraiche.


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