Milan Fashion Week: 5 (+1) “fashionable” addresses to know – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Milan Fashion Week: 5 (+1) “fashionable” addresses to know


During the Milan Fashion Week the city is filled with fashion enthusiasts ready to invade the best venues in the centre. Because during fashion week Milan recovers its own atmosphere: that of a large metropolis that claims its identity as the capital of Italian and increasingly international fashion. A city open to the world, even when it comes to food. It is no coincidence that in recent years, starting fromExpo 2015 (“Feeding the planet, energy for life”), the city has seen almost spasmodic openings of restaurants, street food bars, almost all of medium-high level, with 18 starred restaurants, 13 with 1 star, 4 with 2 stars and 1 3 star restaurant.

This is why going out during the Milan Fashion Week it’s also an opportunity to try some of them, perhaps sitting next to the table of fashion super stars. Between one show and another, or at the end of the evening, Milan in its guise food city is ready to welcome buyers, models, but also fashion stylists and sector operators, offering classic or revisited menus, a more authentic expression of Italian cuisine, or more à la page as current trends require. For mere mortals, going out these days is perhaps not the best thing, but for some time now new places have opened in the city, each one different from the other, precisely to satisfy customer demand. Here are five, all new, those that the fashion world has already elected or will elect as the place to eat & drink.

5 (+ 1) addresses to try during Milan Fashion Week


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