Lagane with chickpeas and cod and tomato pulp – Italian Cuisine

Lagane with chickpeas and cod and tomato pulp


Lagane with chickpeas and cod, the preparation

1) Drain the chickpeas e boil them in unsalted water for 2 hours, until tender. Turn off, salt them and let them cool down in their water. Knead durum wheat semolina with a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of oil and 2 dl of warm water (if necessary, add 1 tablespoon).

2) Work the dough until it is firm and smooth, formed a ball, wrap it up in the plastic wrap and let it rest in a cool place for 30 minutes.

3) In a saucepan, fry peeled garlic with 4-5 tablespoons of oil, unite the chopped tomatoes and 1 cup of water, salty And cook for 15 minutes.

4) Cut chunks the cod, removing any bones, put it in the tomato sauce and regulated of salt; cook for 15 minutes, turning the fish from time to time, unite the drained chickpeas and continue cooking for another 10 minutes, scented with a handful of chopped parsley leaves.

5) Meanwhile, roll out the dough with a rolling pin in a fairly thick sheet; cropped finger-wide strips, then divide them in short noodles. Boil the laganas in boiling salted water, drain them, season them first with a drizzle of oil, then with the prepared sauce e served.


Posted on 14/10/2021



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