Identità Golose 2024: Italian Cuisine present and «disobedient – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Claudio Ceroni: I have always done things that didn’t exist before, the last but also the most important founding Identità Golose with Paolo Marchi.

2. What does kitchen disobedience mean?

PM: Close the books and be yourself.

CC: Simple: innovate. Breaking the mold.

3. If tradition works well (it has within it the seeds of self-regeneration), does it make sense to disobey?

PM: If it weren’t like this, the world would stop. He was more important than many Icarus
fearful little men.

CC: Tradition is successful innovation, this has become a cliché, but it is also the truth. Disobedience as an end in itself makes no sense, but only if it has within itself the positive seed of creating something new that is destined to remain.

4. The Futurists from the pages of The Italian kitchen they denied pasta, a disobedience that made little sense, a pure provocation. What would you never disobey?

PM: In being myself.

CC: Disobedience should not be confused with rebellion as an end in itself. Not all disobedient people are innovators and not all innovators are disobedient. I would never disobey the duty to give credit for success to the work of all those who helped me achieve it.

5. Sensible disobedience, that is, based on knowledge of the past, awareness of the present and future vision, becomes tradition: The Italian kitchen with its 95 years of life it is an emblem of this. Do you have any anecdotes or personal memories regarding our magazine and its being “sensibly obedient/disobedient”?

PM: Thirty years ago I wrote an article about The newspaper dedicated to bear radicchio, a spontaneous salad that grows in the Adamello Brenta park. Once I left, someone from the management let me know that its collection was prohibited. I asked why The Italian kitchen had written tons of it without any problems and I was told: «Be up The Italian kitchen it is an honor”. I understood that as authority varies, any bans also vary.

CC: Mine is not a memory but the awareness that the present of The Italian kitchen it is the best proof of how a great renewal can arise from a fruitful history. Thank you!

All of us in the editorial team of The Italian kitchen we will be present in our stand during the days of the congress. We are waiting for you to browse the pages of our history together.

Allianz MiCo, via Gattamelata – Gate 14 – Milan.


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