How to cook persimmons in 5 different ways – Italian Cuisine

How to cook persimmons in 5 different ways


Autumn is the season of orange fruits among the most beautiful and sweetest on earth: persimmons. The least used fruit in the kitchen!

Round, fleshy, orange like the August sun and with a delicate vanilla aftertaste.
We are talking about the khaki, the autumn fruits par excellence.
This is the time to pick them up and enjoy them in all their naturalness.
If you love the soft version, simply cut them in half and eat them with a teaspoon. If you prefer quality apple caco (or vanilla) harder, choose a well-ripened fruit and eat it in slices.

Never khaki, also known as "Apples of the East" because they originate from Cine and Japan, they also lend themselves to many preparations in the kitchen and above all they are the basic ingredient of many luscious desserts.
We want to offer you 5 very easy and fast ideas, perfect even for those who are not very adept at cooking.

But first, we want to invite you to play a very fun game.
Do you know that small pieces of cutlery are hidden inside the persimmon seeds? Yes, that's right: knife, fork and spoon. According to some, they would represent more than crosses, but we at La Cucina Italiana obviously see everything with a slightly different eye!
Try cutting a seed lengthwise and see what it hides. The fork is generally the rarest to find!

And now, everyone in the kitchen!

Persimmon: 5 very easy sweet recipes

The caco is the fruit of autumn and in order not to taste it the same way we have thought of something for you. From cheese cake to semifreddo to jam: these are just some ideas to use the persimmon in the kitchen.

Persimmon cups

A very easy dessert that is really prepared in a few minutes and that everyone always likes. Empty out not too soft persimmons and mix the pulp with the same amount of mascarpone and a few tablespoons of icing sugar and cinnamon. Stretch this cream with a little fresh cream and brandy and whisk everything. Fill the persimmons and decorate with some icing.

Persimmon cheese cake

We offer you this single portion cheesecake to be served in a glass or in a jam glass jar. Put on the bottom of the chopped amaretti with some chestnut cream and on top a cream prepared by simply blending the persimmon pulp with a pinch of cinnamon. Decorate with a whole or crumbled amaretto.

Persimmon parfait

A dessert that makes a lot of scene because it is beautiful to bring to the table and easy to prepare. Just mix the pureed pulp of a persimmon with 500 ml of fresh whipped cream with 200 g of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Pour the mixture into a plum cake mold covered with plastic wrap and leave it in the freezer for a few hours. Cut into slices and serve with a cream of persimmons blended with cinnamon.

Caramelized persimmons

More than a real dessert, this is an idea to enrich a simple ice cream or a cream. To caramelize the persimmons you have to choose the apple caco quality. Peel the fruits, remove any seeds and cut into fairly large wedges. Quickly cook the persimmons in a pan with brown sugar, honey, spices to taste and blend with brandy or rum.

Persimmon jam

A sweet jam perfect both for pies and for filling cakes and biscuits. Just cook the pulp of one kg of persimmon with about 200 g of sugar and the juice of a lemon. To make the jam thicker, also add a diced apple with the peel that will act as a natural pectin.


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