Swiss recipe, recipe from Via Carota – Italian Cuisine

Swiss recipe, recipe from Via Carota


  • 900 g beef sirloin
  • 6 pcs of rosemary sprigs
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the Swiss recipe, divide the heads of garlic into wedges; let them simmer gently, with the peel, in the oil, over very low heat, for about 15 minutes, until they are golden brown. With this cooking the taste will soften. Keep the garlic in the oil.
Fry the rosemary in plenty of hot oil. Finely chop the sirloin, including fatty parts. Mix it very well to evenly distribute fat and lean pulp. Modeled in 6 Swiss. Season them with salt and pepper and roast them on both sides, in a veil of very hot oil, for 1-2 minutes: they must be toasted and crunchy on the surface and to the blood inside. Serve immediately, completing each Swiss cheese with 2 cloves of garlic and a sprig of fried rosemary.


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