Grilling at home: how to do it, for a perfect “plan B” – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


It’s always good to have a plan B, even in the kitchen. For example, you know how grilling at home? We learned to do it to make up for all those gloomy spring days when we would have really wanted to go out with friends to eat outdoors by lighting the grill, but the downpours prevented us. You know the Easter Monday to reorganize last minute? It can be done, even in an apartment. Perhaps with a little less space, seating friends and relatives even on the sofa if the chairs are not enough, involving all the guests in the preparation and tidying up phase with painstaking organisation. In short, It takes effort, but it has to be done: if you decide to be in company, you are in company. And if the desire is to grill, we don’t want to give it up. Here’s what we learned about how to groom at home.

How to grill at home, for a perfect “plan B”

How to cook meat without embers

In order not to offend the susceptibilities of our neighbors, technology comes to our aid: now with a few euros you can buy gods electric barbecues that minimize grill smoke, or cancel it completely, usually thanks to tempered glass lids. There are several indoor ones, which obviously can also be used outside if you are lucky enough to have a balcony covered enough to shelter you from the rain.

Which pan for grilling

If you don’t already have one, or don’t feel like buying one, in addition to the classic electric grills, there are cast iron plates which we all have at home now, and which also offer various advantages: they transmit heat evenly, and therefore allow you to cook easily and quickly.

How to use the air fryer for grilling

Alternative? There air fryer: we often use it for “frying” but in reality it is perfect for grilling meat, fish and vegetables too. Our favorite recipe? There sliced ​​beef: 20 minutes at 180 degrees, turning halfway through cooking if your air fryer does not have a double heating element.

How to eliminate bad odors in the kitchen

Yes, when grilling at home, there is the problem of odor, but with some care it can be reduced. In addition to using the hood at maximum power, try with a pot of boiling water and vinegar next to the griddle: it is generally very effective. Instead of vinegar you can also add citrus peels. Once you’re done grilling, let the pot of water and vinegar (or citrus) continue to boil on the stove. Last trick? After preparing coffee for everyone, keep the grounds and place them in a bowl in the kitchen: they are another excellent natural remedy against bad odors.

How to shop for a home barbecue

As always it should be, when shopping – even for a home barbecue – you need to take into account any preferences of the guests: they may exist vegan or vegetarian, but also lactose and gluten intolerant, and therefore alternatives must be foreseen. If you grill meat they cannot be missed sausages and ribs that are fun to eat with your hands too (maybe not lamb, assuming someone eats it, because they are the ones that smell the most). For fish: swordfish, tuna, cuttlefish and prawns are among the essential and easiest to clean. As for vegetables: in addition to the classic courgettes, aubergines and peppers, they are also excellent and quick to grill fennel, mushrooms, pumpkin. And they are not the only alternative for vegans and vegetarians: there are legume burgers in many different flavours, including ready-made ones, as well as meat substitutes now also on sale in supermarkets. Without forgetting the classics seitan and tufuwhich must first be marinated for a few hours with extra virgin olive oil and aromatic herbs.

How to marinate for grilling

Oil and herbs are the simplest marinade, and also a little trick with which to make home barbecues a little more fragrant. The choice is yours: you can use, for example, mint and parsley for fish, and with a little ginger you will be able to make the flavor of meats that need an extra boost such as chicken even more particular. The important thing is to marinate, whether you grill at home or outside, because it serves to give a touch of flavor to the ingredients and, in the case of meat, to make it softer.

How to grill at home

After preparing everything, all that remains is to start grilling. Whether you use an electric griddle, a cast iron pot, or even an air fryer, the rule is the same: they must already be very hot and – in the case of cast iron plates – slightly greased. Last tip: since at home it’s not like outdoors where you take turns grilling (generally) and eat in the meantime, prepare everything at the last minute and in the meantime let the oven heat up. Then turn it off and add the food gradually, so that they stay warm but do not continue to cook. When everything is ready, everyone at the table and off to the buffet, as you would do on a picnic.

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