Franciacorta is the official Michelin Guide partner for the USA – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


An enthusiasm also shared by Gwendal Poullennec, International Director of the Michelin Guide: «I am happy that our collaboration with Franciacorta can extend to the US market, toasting together the extraordinary successes of chefs and the restaurant sector in all our destinations, commented Poullennec. “Our shared values ​​and commitment to promoting the food and wine sector demonstrate that this collaboration represents the perfect combination to bring to the ever-growing US food scene.”

The collaboration between Franciacorta and Michelin has also received the positive opinion ofAmbassador of Italy to the United States, Mariangela Zappia: «I am pleased and proud of this new collaboration between Franciacorta, a symbol of Italian excellence in the wine sector, and the prestigious Michelin Guide in the United States. This collaboration will increase the American public’s appreciation not only for Italian wine, already much loved, but also for the Made in Italy philosophy that Franciacorta perfectly embodies, for our ability to uniquely combine tradition and innovation, giving priority to well-being and sustainability, offering extraordinary quality and, in the food and wine sector, unparalleled taste.”

Franciacorta and the States: esteem is renewed

Not only the precious collaboration with Michelin: Franciacorta is in fact a partner of Emmy Awards, a prestigious event for American television that celebrates the industry’s greatest hits and most talented artists. The growing success of television has attracted international actors from the world of cinema and theater in recent years, creating an increasingly loyal global audience. The 76th Emmys will be held in Los Angeles on September 15.


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