Explore Asian flavors with mandarin and ginger sorbet – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Explore Asian flavors with mandarin and ginger sorbet


The origin of mandarin and ginger sorbet can be traced to China, where the combination of these ingredients has historically been prized for its balance of sweetness and spiciness. The spread of the flavor combination has influenced other Asian cultures, leading to local variations of sorbet that reflect regional preferences. However, the evolution of the recipe was characterized by the search for a balance between the intense flavor of mandarin and the spicy note of ginger. This aromatic and refreshing drink it is particularly suitable to be enjoyed as thirst-quenching interlude between the dishes of a dinner or as light dessert at the end of a meal.

Its light nature and combination of stimulating flavors make it an ideal option for those looking for an alternative meal ending, which aids digestion. Freshly squeezed mandarins and fresh grated ginger are the heart ingredients, but the real secret for an optimal preparation lies in the dosage of the components, so as to guarantee a harmonious balance between the flavours. Finally, served in cups or dessert glasses, this delicacy can be decorated with a mint leaf or a thin strip of mandarin peel for a visual touch. The optimal serving temperature is just below zero, to guarantee the creamy consistency and freshness of the flavors. Follow us and you will prepare a really tasty mandarin and ginger sorbet!


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