Christmas menu at home, signed La Cucina Italiana! – Italian Cuisine


This year make yourself comfortable: the chefs of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana will take care of preparing the Christmas menu for you! A few simple steps will be enough to bring to the table an entire menu that will amaze your loved ones

The chefs de The School of Italian Cuisine they thought a Christmas menu unforgettable to celebrate the holidays. From today it is possible to order it: you can then decide whether to receive it comfortably at home or pick it up at our headquarters in Milan, in via San Nicolao 7.
To regenerate the preparations, simply place them in the oven for a few minutes or keep them at room temperature for the necessary time, which you will find indicated. By following the simple instructions, you will be able to serve and share with your loved ones a special lunch or dinner, signed by La Cucina Italiana.

Christmas Menu – Aperitif
– Escarole pie (single-serving cake of shortcrust pastry with escarole, onion, olives and pine nuts)
– Pomegranate tartlet, parmesan and apples (Parmigiano Reggiano shortcrust wafer with pomegranate jelly and Parmigiano Reggiano panna cotta, dressed with apple glaze)
– Goat and vegetable tartlet (salted shortcrust pastry wafer with spirulina algae with goat cream, diced zucchini and carrots, sprig of green broccoli)
– Red cod sandwich (beetroot mini milk bun with creamed cod and beetroot mayonnaise)

Christmas Menu – Appetizer
– Pumpkin and ginger flan (soft pumpkin and ginger pie with soy pumpkin seed wafer accompanied by Parmigiano Reggiano cream)

Christmas menu – Primo
– Corn and cheese ravioli (egg pasta ravioli stuffed with polenta creamed with cheese with butter emulsion, mix of herbs and dehydrated mountain flowers)

Christmas Menu – Second
– Stuffed capon with potato and chard pie (Rolled capon, cooked at low temperature and roasted, with veal, hazelnuts, walnuts, Parmigiano Reggiano and soaked bread. Accompanied by potato pie with milk and two-colored chard with butter)

How to order
Ordering the menu is simple: once you have chosen the number of portions, you need to send an email to by December 22nd. Upon receipt of the confirmation, you must select the desired payment method (bank transfer or PayPal). The menu will then be delivered on December 23rd between 10am and 7pm or on December 24th between 9am and 6pm. Alternatively, you can choose to collect your order directly at the headquarters of La Scuola – in Via San Nicolao 7 in Milan.

The receipt of orders is active from Monday to Saturday. The service is active for the city of Milan. The minimum order is two complete menus.

More information on the website of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana.


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