Tag: Cucina

Baked anelletti with pistachios: recipe by Giusina in Cucina – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


In addition to the usual and sensational timbale with aubergines or ragù, why not also try a timbale of baked anelletti with pistachios? It is the satisfying variant of the cult Sicilian dish that the Palermo native offered us Giusi Battaglia – for everyone now Giusina in the kitchen from the name of her TV show on the Food Network – when we asked her for a suggestion a special idea for Sunday. We were looking for a simple dish to make, but which would stand out, a recipe so as not to tire us out too much, but to hear ourselves say at the end: «But how good! . So the TV presenter offered us her special way of rediscovering a classic.

Giusina in Cucina’s baked anelletti with pistachios

«I have a great passion for pasta flans, because they are sumptuous, almost regal says Giusi Battaglia. «I love seeing them at the center of the table as great protagonists. They bring joy and are perfect for convivial occasions such as Sunday: they can be prepared first, to be able to prepare later. dedicate yourself completely to friends and family, without worrying about the stove” continues Giusina. «I thought of a timbale with pistachios to tell the story of Sicily by enhancing one of our most special products. Bronte and Raffadali pistachios have a unique flavor and aromaand in this recipe they give a very particular and delicate touch.”

Because we love home cooking, the real one

The simple, but tasty and spectacular dishes, moreover, have always distinguished Giusina’s cuisine: those who watch her on Food Newtork and those who follow her on It’s always midday on Rai1 given that he is now a regular guest of the landlady Antonella Clerici. Those who follow her on social media (@giusinaincucina) know this too, where she talks about her daily life with the same spontaneity: busy days made up of family commitments, office work (which remains her first job, despite the TV) as well as cooking. «I’m not a professional food influencer who can dedicate the whole day to recipes, but I know that those who follow me love learning about new dishes, so I propose them in my own way: I show what I prepare to eat at home, for lunch and dinner, filming it with my cell phone. All without retouching, filters or food styling: it’s all real life, like that of the people who follow me with affection that I reciprocate” says Giusina.

«I don’t have a great technique, I didn’t study to cook, but I was lucky enough to meet many chefs who taught me many things that I now put into practice he says. An example? «Once I was with Pino Cuttaia (two Michelin stars at La Madia, Licata, ed.) and I was chopping parsley, throwing away the stems as I always do. And he explained to me that instead parsley stems should never be thrown away, because they are the richest in nutrients, the most fragrant, and unlike the leaves they can also be cooked because they do not give off a bitter taste. A small thing, of course, but one of the many that I now carry in my baggage” concludes Giusi Battaglia, who we will soon see on TV in a summer and on the road version of his program Sicily Edition and in See you at the bar, with Paolo Briguglia, discovering new specialties, always in Sicily. Meanwhile, for a nice taste, here is the recipe for his anelletti.

The recipe for baked anelletti with pistachios by Giusina in the kitchen


For the pasta and ragù

  • 500 g of rings
  • 250 g of pork mince
  • 250 g of veal mince
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 onion
  • rosemary
  • pepper
  • salt

For the pistachio béchamel

  • 1 L of whole milk
  • 100 g of 00 flour
  • 100 g of butter
  • salt to taste⁠
  • pepper as needed
  • nutmeg to taste
  • 150 g of pistachio pesto

For garnish

  • 200 g of grated caciocavallo
  • 2 medium mozzarella
  • pepper as needed
  • Salt to taste
  • chopped pistachios to taste


  1. Brown the meat in a pan with the onion, add the wine, add herbs and leave to cook.
  2. Prepare the béchamel by first creating a roux with flour and butter, then adding the milk, salt, pepper and nutmeg and then thickening.
  3. Add the pistachio pesto to the béchamel and set aside.
  4. Bring the water to the boil and cook the anelletti for 10 minutes.
  5. Drain them and season with grated caciocavallo and mix with a little béchamel.
  6. Make a layer of pasta in a mold, place a generous layer of minced meat, add the béchamel, the caciocavallo and the mozzarella.
  7. Close with another layer and repeat the operation finishing with a layer of chopped pistachios.
  8. Place in the oven and cook for 30 minutes in a static oven at 180/200 degrees.


La Cucina Italiana, March 2024: the Director’s Editorial – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


On the number of March now on newsstands you can choose from many recipes all easy and tastyexperiment i traditional spring sweetsa signature Easter lunch and the creations by Sal De Riso. Meanwhile, let’s give the floor to the Director, Maddalena Fossati Dondero.

The Director’s Editorial

«Years ago I went to Sicily to visit the legendary chef Ciccio Sultano; he took me to a cheesemaker who produced delicious ricottas with the milk of his Modica cows. We sat around a table to taste his warm, reassuring, honest-tasting cheese. And with him was his wife. The couple were almost two centuries old together and had been married all their lives, an eternity. The lady clearly brandished obvious leadership, he accepted the
his command in a natural way. «The important thing is not to send your husband to the gym, he said as a formula for arriving untouched at the diamond wedding. A decidedly modern couple despite the context. I recently came across an article by Rina Simonetta which appeared in La Cucina Italiana in 1939 entitled «The woman in her house. There was the celebration of the housewife within the home, of “women who feel their mission as mothers and housewives, not of those ladies who spend their lives in tea rooms, game rooms and dance halls”, I quote verbatim. Now, things have changed a little (fortunately and definitely not enough), and the kitchen is an emblematic and important scenario when we talk about us, girls, women, mothers, friends, sisters. We were segregated there for centuries, then we partly left without entering the kitchens of large restaurants where we are few. At the moment. In any case, today cooking is an act of freedom additional to the more classic one of love: I cook breakfast and dinner every day and I am “a woman in her own house” but I go to tea rooms and the gym and I also drink aperitif (I leave out the gambling houses). Where do I want to go? We still have a long way to go, but many things have changed since 1939, including how and why we cook.

Maddalena Fossati Dondero

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MasterChef 13: 5 mistakes to avoid so as not to be eliminated – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

MasterChef 13: 5 mistakes to avoid so as not to be eliminated


The preambles are over, and the MasterChef competition has really gotten to the heart of things: last night, for the first time in this new edition of the program, two of the aspiring chefs had to abandon the brigade.

I am Chù and Fiorenzawho put down their apron respectively atInvention Test et al Pressure Test. The twenty-two-year-old student originally from Madagascar (who now lives in Parma), who entered the masterclass thanks to a sponge cake with lemon custard, Chantilly cream and dehydrated lemon peel, in homage to her adoptive father, was not forgiven a head of garlic left whole on the plate (a blue fish with white asparagus on squacquerone sauce). Florencea 31-year-old radiology technician from the province of Naples, has prepared a stuffed pasta seasoned with too much “anger” – as she herself explained to the judges Antonino Cannavacciuolo, Bruno Barbieri and Giorgio Locatelli – which made her lose sight of the harmony of the dish.

But by making mistakes you learn, and this also applies (and perhaps above all) in the kitchen. From the mistakes made by the competitors in these first episodes of MasterChef, we can obtain an instruction manual on which what not to do if you want to stay in the race as long as possible.


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