Christmas Calzoncelli recipe, the fried desserts of Basilicata – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Christmas Calzoncelli recipe, the fried desserts of Basilicata


In the list of regional Christmas sweetswe find i shorts: also called “Christmas pastries”, they are prepared during the holidays throughout the country Basilicataespecially in the province of Salerno, in the Sannio Beneventano area and in Irpinia.

It’s about fried ravioli with sweet filling: the dough is made with flour, egg, lard sugar and is flavored with vanilla and cinnamon, while the filling is prepared with chickpeas And chestnuts passed through a food mill to which melted chocolate, sugar, cocoa, grated lemon zest, chopped mandarin peel and, to taste, some liqueur are added.

The closed ravioli are then fried in peanut oil and served with icing sugar. Try our recipe.


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