Chocolate Mousse Recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chocolate Mousse Recipe |  The Italian kitchen


For the chocolate mousse recipe, chop the chocolate and place it in a bowl together with the milk and sugar. Immerse the container in another with two inches of warm water and bring everything to the heat. Stirring gently, let the chocolate melt in a bain-marie, mixing it with the other ingredients.

Remove the bowl from the water and add the egg yolks to the mixture (keep the egg whites), one at a time, not adding the next one if the previous one has not been perfectly mixed. Let the resulting cream cool. Meanwhile, mount gr. 100 cups of cream, well firm and, separately, the egg whites until stiff. First add the cream to the now cold chocolate mixture, mixing it delicately, then the egg whites. Distribute the mousse between 6 individual cups or collect it in a single cup.

Whip the remaining cream, placing it in a pastry bag with a twisted nozzle and let it come out in large tufts in the center of the cups (or decorate the cup). Serve the mousse accompanied with biscuits of the “cat’s tongue” type.


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