Cappelletti di magro romagnoli – Sale & Pepe – Italian Cuisine


Cappelletti di magro romagnoli, the preparation

1) Do the broth: in a pot full of cold water, combine the peeled bones and vegetables, 3 or 4 cloves, a few peppercorns and salt. Put the lid on, bring to a boil, add the meat and the capon and simmer for at least two hours, removing the foam on the surface with a slotted spoon. Turn off and filter the broth with a wet and squeezed cloth placed on a broth strainer. Serve the boiled meat and the vegetables separately.

2) Do the stuffed: in a bowl mix the ricotta, raviggiolo, parmesan, grated nutmeg, a pinch of lemon zest, salt and pepper.


3) Arrange the fountain flour, shell the eggs in the center and knead vigorously for 15 minutes. If the dough is rough and grainy, add a ladle of hot broth. Cover with plastic wrap, let it rest for 30 minutes And roll out a thin sheet. Immediately cut it into squares of 4 cm on each side, put in the center 1 teaspoon of filling, fold the square into a triangle sealing the edges well.


4) Join the two ends overlapping them without leaving holes in the center so as to make the shape of the cappelletti. As they are ready, place them on a floured tray.


5) Return the broth to a boil, plunge into the cappelletti e boil them for about 3 minutes.


The stuffing

The stuffing cheese varies by area: in the Romagna hills they use 400 g of raviggiolo, 150 g of squacquerone, 50 g of parmesan, 2 eggs, salt, pepper and nutmeg. In Faenza, the recipe filed in 2003 by the Italian Academy of Cuisine provides 300 g of ricotta, 300 g of raveggiolo, 150 of grated cheese, 1 egg and 1 yolk. Anna Gosetti, author of The Italian regional recipes, wants 200 g of squacquerone, 200 g of ricotta and 50 of parmesan, nutmeg and 3 eggs.

Published 11/29/2021



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