Stuffed pork fillet – Salt & Pepper – Italian Cuisine

Stuffed pork fillet - Salt & Pepper


A pork tenderloin, yes, but different from usual. In this tasty recipe the fillet is in fact stuffed with raw rposciutto, chard and parmesan and then baked in the oven adding chopped vegetables, red wine and broth.

1) Clean And washed herbs and vegetables. Seared steamed beets. Put the fillet on a cutting board and open it like a book by turning it in a spiral with a long sharp knife. Beat him a little with the meat tenderizer and arrange the slices of ham, chard and Parmesan on top. Roll it up bringing it back to its original form e tie him up with kitchen twine.

2) Fix fillet in a not too wide baking dish, grease it with oil and bake at 230 ° for 10 minutes. Therefore, add the shallots cut in half, the celery and carrot into chunks, the aromatic bunch and the crushed garlic. Lower the temperature at 180 ° e carry on cooking for 5 minutes.

3) Sprinkle meat with wine, leave it partially evaporate, salty, peppery and cook for another 30 minutes: wet fillet with broth, a little at a time, during cooking. Let it sit the meat in the oven off for 5 minutes, then slice it And serve it sprinkling it with drops of balsamic vinegar.


Posted on 07/02/2022



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