How to get thick hot chocolate – Italian Cuisine

How to get thick hot chocolate


Other than cocoa powder, to get a cup of hot chocolate like the ones that appear in advertisements, you need to follow the teaching that comes from Belgium

The idea that the hot chocolate it can be prepared in a minute, by pouring a sachet of powder into a saucepan and after a stir it is "ready" was dictated by the fashion of "everything and immediately". While like any self-respecting good thing, that of hot chocolate should be a ritual to which you can devote the right time, without haste and approximation.

How to get thick hot chocolate

As taught by the greatest Italian master chocolatiers, from Gobino to Pistocchi, until'Antica Dolceria Bonajuto, to prepare the real thick and creamy hot chocolate cocoa powder is not used, if not minimally possibly, but dark chocolate.

The tablet must be chopped and then poured, depending on your taste, into the water or milk. There are those who then add a little sugar, some also a pinch of salt, some wheat starch or starch to thicken. In Belgium the famous Pierre Marcolini has created a ready-to-use preparation with a captivating name, "primitive chocolate".

Hot chocolate on a stick, that's how it's done in Belgium

And it is precisely in Belgium, where they know a lot about chocolate, so much so that there is also a museum in Brussels, that they have invented a nice and original way to prepare hot chocolate. In the hundreds of sparkling shops of pralines in the shop window, it is now customary to see wooden sticks sticking into a chocolate cube soaring. We are talking about the Hot Chocolate on a Stick, a way to obtain a dense hot chocolate that respects tradition by shortening the execution times. Unless you want to try your hand at making your own favorite stick. The advantage is that there are many variations, not only in shops but also at home.

And it can also be prepared at home

They are enough few ingredients and a silicone popsicle mold. First you need to melt the chocolate, milk or dark as long as it is of quality, in the microwave or in a bain-marie. Once this is done, add the sugar and a pinch of salt, cinnamon, chilli or another flavor of your choice. After having mixed everything, put the mixture in a pastry bag to pour it into the mold. At this point, skewer the stick and put it in the freezer for about ten minutes. After that yours Hot Chocolate on a Stick it is ready to be dissolved in a nice cup of hot milk.


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