Aromatic salt prawns cooked in the oven – Italian Cuisine

Aromatic salt prawns cooked in the oven


Prawns in aromatic salt, preparation

1) In a bowl reunited salt, coriander, the two types of pepper, bay leaves, star anise, sliced ​​chilli and mix. Cut in the middle horizontally the head of garlic e divide the lemon in 4 wedges.

2) Pour half of the flavored salt in a pan, add half a head of garlic, 2 lemon wedges and heat it in the oven at 220 ° for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven, place the shrimp on the hot salt, add the 2 lemon wedges and the remaining garlic, cover with the remaining salt mix and put back in the oven and cook for 20 minutes.

3) Prepare the sauce. Chop celery with its leaves and gherkins, mix them with mustard, mayonnaise, and a generous grind of pepper. Remove the pan from the oven, extract salt prawns, shell them and serve with the sauce.


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