50 years with strawberry – La Cucina Italiana – Italian Cuisine

50 years with strawberry - La Cucina Italiana


The new May issue is on the newsstands: an inviting strawberry tart red on the cover. Today as exactly fifty years ago. Discover the 1969 cake

The nine years are all important for La Cucina Italiana which, born in 1929, celebrates significant birthdays. In 1969 the magazine "opened the door" and for the whole year a coccardina published under the head remembered the anniversary. In May the cover was dedicated, just like this year, to a strawberry cake, a fruit that reaches its peak of goodness this month. Here are the two photos in comparison. Below, the recipe from 1969, while for today's one, run to the newsstands!

The cover of the May 1969 issue and the one you find today at the newsstand

Strawberry cake


500 g strawberries, 400 g flour, 270 g butter, 250 g caster sugar, 150 g almonds, 100 g icing sugar, 12 eggs, 1 liter of milk, Galliano liqueur, a sachet of vanillin, Cognac


Pour the flour on the pastry board, make the fountain, put in half g 260 of chopped butter and a little softened, then knead it with uend flour, a little at a time, plenty of cold water enough to have a paste of the right consistency; without working a lot, make a ball with the dough, wrap it in a sheet of wax paper and put it in the refrigerator for about two hours. Immerse the almonds in boiling water for an instant, then peel them, spread them on a plate and place them in a preheated oven to dry well, they will not have to color, then remove them and let them cool. Clean the strawberries, wash them in very cold water and let them drain. Pour the icing sugar into a bowl, add about half a glass of liqueur and half of the cognac and mix until the sugar has melted, then add the strawberries, mix gently so that they can all flavor well, place a plate on the pan and store them in the refrigerator. Put the almonds, now cold, in a mortar and, from time to time, add a little granulated sugar, crush them well until they become powdered; sift the powder and also crush any crumbs left on the sieve. Allow the milk to cool. Butter a cake pan with high edges and possibly hinged with a diameter of about 24 cm. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out with a rolling pin making a disc wide enough to line the bottom and edges of the mold, then coat it, trim the dough at the edges so that it is all the same height and with a fork strain the bottom. Pour into a bowl eight rolls and four whole eggs, the vanillin and the remaining granulated sugar: with a small whisk, beat energetically, quidni, gradually add all the warm milk, mix in the almond powder, pour everything into the mold, finally pour it into the mold put it in a preheated oven (180 ° C on the thermostat) leaving it for about an hour (when a stick immersed in the cream comes out dry the cake is cooked); remove it from the oven and let it cool, then place it on a serving plate. Drain the strawberries from the liqueur, place them on the cake and serve. If the cake should wait, keep it in a cool place (not for many hours).

From "La Cucina Italiana", May 1969


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