Tag: years

30 years of pesto: in the Parma area it is celebrated with a maxi mural – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


It was 1994 when the first one appeared on the shelves pesto Barilla. From there the basil condiment produced by the Parma multinational has come a long way: 30 years have passed and the success of the product is recognizable on a global level. I am 290 million the jars produced in 2023: to give an idea of ​​the enormity of the number, they could cover the surface of 130 football fields. This is why the Barilla family has decided to celebrate this milestone with a maxi mural of 800m2 created by the illustrator Marianna Tomaselli inaugurated at the Sughi Factory in Rubbiano, Parma.


A hymn to quality raw materials

The celebration with a mural that pays homage to pesto is not accidental. Great attention is paid to pesto and all the raw materials used to produce it, so much so that Barilla has established a Basil card, a specification for sustainable cultivation. Did you know that in the Rubbiano plant the basil is processed freshly picked? Basil, in particular, is generally cut in the morning to keep its organoleptic characteristics intact (when it is about 30cm high so that the richest part of the aroma can be grasped) and, once brought to the factory, it undergoes more than 100 checks a day, being cold processed to keep all its freshness and aroma intact. As per tradition, the sauces are brought to a temperature between 92 and 95 degrees and poured into jars, which are subjected to heat treatment before being filled. In this way we guarantee a 100% safe product, ready to enter our pantries. And did you also know that the origin is entirely Italian? Barilla in fact it boasts one deep integration with local farmers: there are 37 suppliers who collaborate with Barilla in the basil supply chain.

“Our basil is a ‘green gold’, the beating heart of what we do. Taking care of the basil supply chain means guaranteeing the quality of our products and production method” explains Matteo Gori, President of the Barilla sauce category. “The result is Barilla Pesto recipes, capable of combining intensity and delicacy and making your eyes widen with happiness every time they are brought to the table, thanks to a taste that everyone really likes. So the sustainability of the supply chain and the delicacy of the flavor are associated with creativity in the use of new ingredients, the surprise for the mix of flavors and the love for pesto – and in particular for Barilla Pesto – in Italy and in Worldwide”.

Pesto: a growing market

The pesto market is growing, with Barilla in a leadership position: in the first 6 months of 2023 the sector marked +20% compared to 2022 and +6% in volumes. In this context, Barilla confirms its position as world leader in the Pesto category with a 37.8% share in global value, continuing to grow in its main markets: Italy, Germany, France. In Italy, Barilla recorded, in particular, a +31% in sales by value, increasing its market share by value (+2.6%). Positive trend also recorded in France, where the Parma company is the category leader and driving market growth. Here, in 2023, it reached +25% in value sales and a value market share of +0.8% compared to the first half of 2022. The picture is also recovering in Germany where, after an initial downward phase in the first months of 2023, there was a trend reversal with an increase in June 2023 of +31% in value sales and +1.7% in value market share.

“Today we celebrate a beautiful stage in a long journey, which began 30 years ago, accelerated starting in 2012 with the birth of this plant which marks a great result in the five-fold increase in sales from 2011 to 2024. The factors behind these results are: The entrepreneurial courage, to create something that didn’t exist before. A unique and inimitable Pesto recipe, a 100% Italian basil supply chain from sustainable agriculture. Quality and strong network of suppliers and customers”he adds Matteo Gori, President of the Barilla sauce category.


Vintage Mother’s Day: the menu from 70 years ago – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Vintage Mother's Day: the menu from 70 years ago


At the center of the magazine, a page is entirely dedicated to this celebration. Here is the full text:

Abroad, and specifically in America, the initiative has arisen to dedicate one day a year to mothers.
Among the many celebrations, we can be certain that this one will never go away, and that nothing that will be said, written or done in honor of the mother will be neither undeserved nor excessive. To define the summit of the feeling of affection, of self-sacrifice, of strength in sacrifice, the adjective “maternal” is used: no altruistic impulse has the tenacity and strength of that which comes from the mother’s heart.
In the exhibitionist tendency of current life, everything is flaunted: and the prize goes to those who best know how to present themselves in the limelight. The work, the fervor, the struggle of the mother on behalf of her creatures remains obscure: and it is work, struggle, incessant overcoming, which shows nothing, asks nothing, not even recognition, and very often escapes even the attention of others even more immediate. It is a natural law, in human-to-human relationships, that everyone believes they give more than they receive, or at least everyone is always aware of how much they give: only the mother escapes this condition, since she gives unconsciously: and perhaps this is the characteristic more salient than maternal love: the mother’s ego merges with that of her creatures.
The celebratory day – which falls on the second Sunday of May – is intended to be a a call to reflection for the very large ranks of carefree youth who daily receives the blessing of this affection, benefits from it far and wide, lives and grows facilitated by this light, and only too late, generally, does she recognize its full value.
Mazzini, speaking of the family, finds expressions that seem very happy to us to describe maternal affection: «… it has within itself an element of good rare to find elsewhere, duration… it spreads around it slowly, unnoticed; and lasting, like the ivy around the plant: it follows you from hour to hour: it silently identifies itself with your life.
You often do not discern it, since it is part of you: but when you lose it you feel as if something intimate, something necessary for living were missing: … the supreme comfort, the calm, the calm of the wave of the lake, the calm of the sleep of trust, of the sleep that the child sleeps on the mother’s breast”; «…a reflection on the individual of Providence who watches over humanity.
And the mother’s affection is truly the matrix of men’s lives. Childhood, adolescence, studies, difficulties, struggle, adaptation: stage by stage it took place because it was facilitated (sometimes exclusively made possible) by the mother, who worked in the most varied ways to help her his creature along the way, both materially and morally: and among other means with that intuition, with that psychological knowledge of one’s child that only the mother possesses (because understanding, which is the most productive means for living and for making people live , and is so rare among men, it is inherent, with exceptions, in this sacred bond: the understanding that sees the less good and provides, sees the better and uses it to spur and overcome). Then men, having become adults, and in turn caught up in the mechanism of existence, overlook what they have received, even though filial veneration remains in each of them throughout their lives.
It is precisely similar observations that inspired the Americans to take this initiative: which we hope will become international.
On May 9th, all the children will try to show their gratitude to their mother.
On this day they will make efforts to overcome their laziness, their liveliness, their indiscipline; they will try to be materially useful at home, they will do their utmost to save their mother a bit of trouble: it is understood that this small attempt – although implemented with practical intent – has symbolic value: since to repay their debt to their mother, the children, that day, they should transform: however the sacrifice of one day will make you understand a little the sacrifices that the mother makes every day: to her then, the diligence of the children will appear a hundred times more appreciable, because what comes from her daughters is always unexpected, and amplified by optimistic maternal tenderness.
If this appeal comes to grown men, who unfortunately the practical demands of daily life do not allow frequent relationships with their mothers, do not allow them to dwell on considerations and emotional expansions, well: let them take inspiration from this circumstance, and find a moment to make themselves present to their old lady: the old men are silent, they remain spectators of other people’s lives: but in mothers the affection is always vibrant and passionate and they must not be denied the ineffable joy of feeling remembered, considered and loved.


Carsenza recipe from Milan, the recycled New Year’s dessert – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Carsenza recipe from Milan, the recycled New Year's dessert


In the nineteenth century, in Milan, the «lack of bombon it was the «sweet del recycling par excellence, born from the ingenuity of those who try not to throw anything away, handed down through generations: and as the conditions of the people improved, the recipe became richer.

The basis was there white bread dough advanced a Christmas; she reworked it again and added something sweet, like the apples (also a little dented) and thegrape which had seen better times: the harvest had been over for a while and there were no first fruits or Chilean grapes, obviously… but only the “passing” ones, but as they had dried in the cellar.

Traditional on New Year’s Eve, everyone prepared it as they wanted and as they could: with the dried fruiti figsthe pears, it was still delicious. Many put in a beanor a chickpea, and whoever found it was certain that he would have a lucky year ahead of him.

A curiosity: at the house of Alessandro Manzoni the tradition of this dessert was so deep-rooted that it was widely spoken of in family correspondence.


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