4 Restaurants: the best restaurant in Monza, which is the chicest? – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

4 Restaurants: the best restaurant in Monza, which is the chicest?


From theater de The Betrothed home to the Autodromo Nazionale, Italian motorsport excellence, Monza is also one of the most productive areas in Europe. This is where 4 Ristorante stopped for the penultimate time. Last night, chef Alessandro Borghese’s van stopped in the heart of Brianzain the city of a thousand souls, full of green spaces and notable historical monuments such as the Cathedral and the Royal Palace.

Alessandro Borghese went in search of the best chic restaurant in Monza. Not a simple undertaking, because among traditional places that offer Luganega risottos, cassoeule and village cakesand cutting-edge restaurants that look to innovation, the proposal is broad and of a high standard.

The Monza risotto challenge

Four restaurateurs each invited the three competitors and Alessandro Borghese to lunch: if the chef also takes care of the inspection of the kitchens, each of the guests (including him) assigns a score from 0 to 10 for the location, the menu, the service and the bill, and also to a particular dish – which differs in each episode – typical of the area and proposed by all the restaurants competing. This time the challenge was played on Monza style risotto, prepared with luganega, a typical Lombard sausage that is added in small pieces. There are, however, different versions of the traditional recipe, which every restaurateur jealously guards.

The venues competing

In Monza, the four locals competing were Mamíe restaurant by Maria Rosaria, Silk Monza by Giorgio, The nun’s cellar by Giordano e Brown bear by Matteo, who won first place. In the gallery we get to know the restaurateurs and their proposals better.

Meanwhile, the gastronomic journey of Alessandro Borghese 4 Ristoranti, which has already explored the gastronomic proposals of the French Riviera, the Oltrepò Pavese, Lisbon, the historic center of Ravenna, Ogliastra in Sardinia, Gorizia and Lucca, is preparing tolast stop, which will be Mantua.


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