Pumpkin White Russian

Pumpkin White Russian

by Pam on November 4, 2013

My sister introduced me to a delicious new drink while she was visiting. It was a pumpkin flavored White Russian and it was delightful. It was quite simple to make and tasted heavenly. My sister has a sweeter tooth than I do so she used one shot of the pumpkin pie cream liqueur while I only used half a shot. I am looking forward to making these again and again – especially on Thanksgiving. Thanks for the tasty drinks Dana! Also, a HUGE thank you to my husband for taking these pictures while I made dinner. Thank you Chad!!

Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Add 1 shot of  Whipped Cream Vodka, 1 (or 1/2) a shot of Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur, and fill with milk, to taste. Stir well and serve. Enjoy.

Side Note: The pumpkin pie liqueur is great by itself over ice or added to coffee.



Pumpkin White Russian

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 5 min.


Glass full of ice cubes
1 shot of Whipped Cream Vodka
1 shot (or 1/2) of Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur
Milk, to taste


Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Add 1 shot of Whipped Cream Vodka, 1 (or 1/2) a shot of Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur, and fill with milk, to taste. Stir well and serve. Enjoy.

Side Note: The pumpkin pie liqueur is great by itself over ice or added to coffee.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking
Created by my sister Dana




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