Tag: whipped cream

Turkish eggs

I  have been worrying a bit recently that the book of this blog, The Bad Cook (which is out TODAY, purchasable here)*, is going to be a disappointment.

This hadn’t crossed my mind until very recently – until recently I had always flicked through it sniggering to myself and going “This is great!!! Definitely worth £1.99.” But now I’m not so sure.

“Does it represent value to my readers?” I think as I sit with a cookbook on my lap, staring out of the window and trying not to pick at my cuticles because it drives my husband nuts.

So I have decided today to alert you to a recipe, which I would pay someone £1.99 to tell me about, which will assuage my feelings of fraudulence.

It is for a turkish eggs thing that Peter Gordon does at his restaurant brasserie cafe thing Les Providores in Marylebone High Street. It is NOT in fusion (sic), which is his cookbook, so I had to source the recipe off a New Zealand website, convert all the measurements, try it out and photograph it.

I’m sure that’s worth £1.99.

So these turkish eggs are poached eggs with yoghurt and a chilli butter. I understand if you think that yoghurt and eggs together sounds gross but I promise it isn’t. This is an incredibly delicious, almost addictive taste and it is very easy to put together for a light supper for you and someone you love. Or just for you alone.

Do not worry if you aren’t brilliant at poaching eggs – I am absolutely hopeless and mine came out just about okay.

So here we go – turkish eggs for 2

2 eggs – the fresher they are, the easier they will be to poach
200g greek yoghurt
1 tbsp olive oil
large pinch of chilli flakes
70g butter
some chopped parsley if you have it

NB – you will notice that there is no salt specified in this recipe. It is not an accident. You can, of course, add as much salt and pepper as you think this needs but personally, I think the lack of salt, the slight blandness, is a really important aspect to this – I don’t think the flavours need it. But you must do whatever you like.

1 In a bowl whisk together the yoghurt and olive oil. It is this whisking and whipping of the yoghurt that makes it so delicious, in my view. You CAN add here a small scraping of crushed garlic, but I don’t think it’s neccessary.

2 In a small pan melt the butter gently until it takes on a very pale brown colour – this takes about 10 mins over a low heat. Don’t be tempted to razz it hot otherwise it will burn. Once it looks to you like it has taken on some colour, add the chilli flakes and swirl around in the butter. Put to one side.

3 Now poach your eggs in some simmering water for 3-4 mins. If you add 100ml white vinegar to the water it should in theory help the process.

4 To assemble, divide the yoghurt between two bowls, then drop an egg on top, pour over the chilli butter and scatter with parsley.

We ate this with toasted sourdough, as they do in Les Providores, but I think this would also be terrific with any sort of flatbread or pitta.

* for Amazon refuseniks the book is also available from other sources:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/bad-cook/id580194993?mt=11

Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Bad-Cook-ebook/dp/B00ALKTWYY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363857002&sr=8-1&keywords=esther+walker+bad+cook

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Esther_Walker_Bad_Cook?id=wGTySqj1u-wC&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImJvb2std0dUeVNxajF1LXdDIl0.

THANK you if you bought it. You don’t have to read it, I promise I won’t corner you and ask you what you thought next time I see you.

Candy Corn Fruit Parfaits

A delicious Halloween treat that’s light and easy to make. If you need an idea for a healthier Halloween dessert at your next party – look no further!

Confession: I strongly dislike candy corns. As a kid I was always disappointed to find them in my trick or treat bag. But candy corns are such great inspiration for Halloween treats and decorations, I just had to share this.

You basically layer orange and yellow fruit in clear cups and top with whipped cream. I used mandarin oranges and pineapple because I love the combination, but you can also use mangos, melon, oranges – whatever. These cute little jars I found in Homegoods are perfect to use as cups, but you can use clear disposable plastic cups if you are having a party.

For a whipped topping that is lighter than the average whipped cream yet not full of “fake” ingredients I’ve been making this light whipped topping by whipping my cream and folding in Greek yogurt. Cuts the fat down and tastes delicious!

If you prefer to use whipped topping, go for it or if you want to have this for breakfast I say just top it with vanilla yogurt. But for dessert – I wouldn’t change a thing! Hope you try this, you will LOVE it!!

Candy Corn Fruit Parfaits

Servings: 8 • Size: 1 parfait • Old Points: 3 pts • Points+: 4 pts 

Calories: 151 • Fat: 6 g • Carb: 23 g • Fiber: 1 g • Protein: 3 g • Sugar: 21 g

Sodium: 20 g  (without salt) • Cholesterol: 20 mg

For the Lighter Whipped Topping: (makes 1 1/2 cups)

  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cup fat free plain Greek yogurt (I used Chobani)

For parfaits:

  • 2 2/3 cups diced pineapple (fresh or canned)
  • 2 2/3 cups jarred mandarin oranges, drained


To make the lighter whipped cream, place a metal mixing bowl and metal beaters of a hand mixer into the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes.

Place the sugar into the mixing bowl and add the whipping cream. Using a hand mixer, beat just until the cream and vanilla reaches stiff peaks, about 2 – 3 minutes. Fold in the Greek yogurt.

In 8 oz jars or clear plastic cups place 1/3 cup mandarin oranges in each, then 1/3 cup pineapple. Top each with 3 tablespoons of whipped cream.

Pumpkin White Russian

Pumpkin White Russian

by Pam on November 4, 2013

My sister introduced me to a delicious new drink while she was visiting. It was a pumpkin flavored White Russian and it was delightful. It was quite simple to make and tasted heavenly. My sister has a sweeter tooth than I do so she used one shot of the pumpkin pie cream liqueur while I only used half a shot. I am looking forward to making these again and again – especially on Thanksgiving. Thanks for the tasty drinks Dana! Also, a HUGE thank you to my husband for taking these pictures while I made dinner. Thank you Chad!!

Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Add 1 shot of  Whipped Cream Vodka, 1 (or 1/2) a shot of Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur, and fill with milk, to taste. Stir well and serve. Enjoy.

Side Note: The pumpkin pie liqueur is great by itself over ice or added to coffee.



Pumpkin White Russian

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 5 min.


Glass full of ice cubes
1 shot of Whipped Cream Vodka
1 shot (or 1/2) of Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur
Milk, to taste


Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Add 1 shot of Whipped Cream Vodka, 1 (or 1/2) a shot of Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur, and fill with milk, to taste. Stir well and serve. Enjoy.

Side Note: The pumpkin pie liqueur is great by itself over ice or added to coffee.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking
Created by my sister Dana




  1. ^ Print Recipe (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  2. ^ Save to ZipList Recipe Box (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

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