Tag: shot

Recipe Shot of banana, avocado and hazelnuts – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Shot of banana, avocado and hazelnuts


  • 2 avocados
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 tablespoons of acacia honey
  • chopped hazelnuts

Blend the avocado and banana pulp with the honey until you get a silky cream. Distribute it in small glasses and complete them with the chopped hazelnuts. Serve immediately, before it starts to turn dark.


Recipe Egg shot with corn and parmesan – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Egg shot with corn and parmesan


  • 2 ready-cooked boiled corncobs
  • 20 g flakes
  • 8 eggs
  • butter
  • salt
  • black pepper

For the egg recipe shot with corn and parmesan, divide each cob into 4 spools and brown them, on all sides, in a pan with a small knob of butter for about 5 '.

Open the eggs, pour them into a pan with a knob of butter and a pinch of salt; cook them covered for about 2-3 '. Then, with the help of a lid, turn them over and cook them upside down for another 2-3 '.

Serve the eggs with the cobs, parmesan flakes and crushed or ground black pepper.


Recipe Shot glasses of persimmon and apples – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Shot glasses of persimmon and apples


  • 200 g fresh cream
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 g Greek yogurt
  • 6 g edible gelatine in sheets
  • 2 pcs khaki
  • a green tea bag
  • a green Granny Smith apple
  • a red Royal Gala apple
  • lemon

For the recipe of the glasses of persimmons and apples, prepare a syrup by cooking the sugar with 350 g of water and a sachet of green tea until boiling. Remove from the apples, without peeling, 2-3 slices and reduce them into small cubes. Dip them in lemon juice to prevent them from turning black on contact with the air. Put the gelatin in a bowl of water.
Peel the rest of the apples, cut them into touches and add them to the syrup. Remove the tea bag and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the touches of apple, keeping the syrup, and blend them to obtain a cream. Strain the syrup and add the squeezed gelatine immediately when it is still warm; stir until it is completely dissolved. Let the syrup cool, then pour a finger into each of the 4 glasses you will use to serve; add the diced apple and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Peel the persimmons and shake them until you get a smooth sauce. Mix the apple cream with 200 g of Greek yogurt.
Whip the cream and add it to the apple cream. Distribute it in glasses and complete with the persimmon sauce. Rest in the fridge again for 30 minutes; finally decorated to taste with apple slices and mint leaves.


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