Halloween party food ideas

Halloween is a great time for the kids. They want to dress up as spooky ghosts or crazy witches and often want their friends to join in too. But don’t you worry, there’s no need to stress about this occasion, especially when we’ve got all these Halloween recipes to choose from.

So if you’re planning a Halloween party this year, you’ve come to the right place. From wickedly sweet cupcakes to scarily tasty pumpkin soup, take a look at our sweet and savoury Halloween food ideas. These delicious bites are sure to go down a treat with the kids and put some big smiles on a lot of faces.

If you’re in the mood for baking, we’ve got some simple mini pumpkin pies which is a great way to use up your pumpkin carving leftovers. Or we’ve got gooey, melt-in-the-mouth toffee apple cake pops which are perfect for decorating with the kids however you wish.

Want to make some savoury snacks too? We’ve got Frankenstein fingers and sheep’s eyes made from carrots, which is a great way to sneak some vegetables into the party without the kids realising. There’s sticky sausage and bacon broomsticks, chilli chicken Halloween cauldrons and many many more. Happy Halloween!

Join in with our goodtoknow Cooking Club by sending us your Halloween pictures for the chance to win a full Russell Hobbs Creations range.

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