Detox recipes

Over indulged? Need an injection of vitamins, minerals and superfoods? Want to shift a few pounds? Then these easy detox recipes are for you.

Packed full of fruit and vegetables, these simple-to-make detox recipes will get you feeling on top form again in no time. From tasty smoothies and delicious soups to more filling, hearty meals like stir-fries and cous cous salads, we’ve got dishes for every dieter’s needs and tastes.

Detoxing doesn’t have to be boring. It may be tough going at times, but these detox recipes will really help you enjoy the low-calorie, low-fat and low-sugar dishes you need to kick start your weight-loss plan.

Giving your body a good clear out a few times of year with a detox diet gives you a great chance to achieve your weight-loss goal. Just make sure that after you’ve finished the detox stage of your diet you stick to making healthy recipes and doing plenty of exercise.

So, if you’re keen on losing weight, have a look through our round-up of delicious detox recipes and get your body ready for a healthy new start.

PS we’ve even got a granola recipe you could have as a dessert! See? Detoxing isn’t just about salads.

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