Together for 80 years: Marisa and Marco on the cover of Vanity Fair – Italian Cuisine


Marisa and Marco on the cover of Vanity Fair: 101 and 102 years together for 80. For Valentine's Day, the weekly arrives on newsstands with a special issue that celebrates the generation that symbolizes love that wins everything

After the success of the number starring Pope Francis, which scored + 38% on newsstands compared to the same number of the previous year, and the digital campaign #iomivaccino, with over 4.6 MIO impressions, 4.4 MIO total reach, 59.3k video views , 92k total engagement and numerous well-known faces involved, Vanity Fair comes out on newsstands with a special issue dedicated to love.

"Like every year, on the anniversary of the feast of lovers, in the editorial office we asked ourselves how to tell love in the time of Covid-19", writes the director Simone Marchetti in his editorial. "This year there is also a special anniversary: ​​twenty years ago, the last kiss, the film by Gabriele Muccino that fascinated an entire country, arrived on the screens of cinemas. We therefore thought of imagining the first kiss we will give each other once the virus has left us. And here is the genesis of this cover: to celebrate the affection, strength, tenderness of a generation that has seen it all. The war, the pain, the fear. The reconstruction of Italy, the sweat of conquests, the tears of defeat. All to then finally face the most cowardly enemy: a virus that does not even have the courage to be seen ”.

So the kiss of becomes the protagonist of the cover Marisa Stradella (101 years) is Marco Razzini (102) who have loved each other for 80 years. Their bond, born in a Milan at war, was not lost even when Marco, a prisoner in Russia, was unable to give news of himself for more than three years during which Marisa never lost hope that they would see each other again. . They have never separated since his return. And now, after three children, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, their love story continues. The tale of this generation continues with Stefano Bozzino, the Alpine who had traveled around the world playing the accordion under the window of the hospital where his wife was hospitalized. For the first time he tells of the recent death of his beloved and of the love that never ends.

The image of their kiss symbolizes a life manual that tells what love is. A love capable of winning everything and which also returns within the pages of the issue through the stories of other protagonists: Penelope and Alessandro, 18 and 19 who knew each other by sight, but fell in love exchanging messages during the first lockdown. Together for 16 and a half years, the web influencer Linda Tol and the photographer Renwe Jules four months ago they became Louie Gene's parents, a gift that was made to wait for. The men, the success, the disappointments, the strength to go forward always and in any case: the actress Serena Grandi, protagonist of the new film by Pupi Avati She speaks to me again, the story of an endless love, tells the lights and shadows of a life lived with passion. From the first to the last kiss. Finally there is Samuel Bersani. After seven years of silent recording he is back with a new album and a song that is the sequel to "En e Xanax", the hymn to a love of two people who shared panic attacks and the desire to accept their fears . Today, in the interview with Vanity Fair, after the end of that love, with the song Your Memory, the singer-songwriter explains that he closes a circle with the past and talks about the creative block that had paralyzed him.

The story also continues on the social profiles of Vanity Fair, with a call to action that will be launched on Instagram to all illustrators of the network, invited to tell about Love with an unpublished drawing. The editorial staff will choose the most beautiful and representative creations of the theme, which will be published on the Vanity Fair social channels during the week of Valentine's Day. Not only that: the authors with the most interesting social profiles will also appear in a dedicated page on the issue of Vanity Fair to be released on 10 February.

To coincide with the release of this issue, Vanity Fair launches its own new app which offers a unique digital experience as it is enriched with special content and many new customizable features. In addition to the ability to read all the articles published on the site in real time (in reading format for mobile and tablet), exclusive content is provided only for those who download the app: in the 'Popular on Vanity’You discover every day what other Vanity Fair users are reading, while in that #hottopic keep an eye on the most popular themes of the moment; in the video section you will find all the news in video format, with music and subtitles, to be scrolled comfortably; in a dedicated section, i podcast of the most popular Vanity Fairs. Finally, the app allows you to browse the preview of the latest issue of the magazine currently on newsstands. For subscribers, you can read the magazine comfortably, for those who are not yet, you can conveniently pay with Apple Pay / Google Pay by purchasing a single issue or a subscription for up to one year.


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