Tiramisù World Champion Cup 2021: the winners – Italian Cuisine

Tiramisù World Champion Cup 2021: the winners


Here is who won the international tiramisu contest for the fifth edition just held in Treviso

The fifth edition of the Tiramisu World Cup 2021 has just ended: Stefano Serafini won for the Classic Recipe, while Elena Bonali for the Creative Recipe. In the city symbol of the most loved Italian spoon dessert in the world, great celebrations after a three-day event that took place to the sound of mascarpone, coffee and cocoa. Approximately 9,000 ladyfingers, 130 kg of mascarpone, 3,700 eggs, 250 kg of cocoa, about 220 kg of sugar and 10 kg of coffee were used: impressive. All without wasting anything, absolute prohibition to leave anything behind: in fact, the organization has seen fit to provide containers to take home any leftovers. Excellent thought, which also binds well to this year's charity partner, the non-profit organization Time For The Planet.

The best original tiramisu in the world 2021

For the Original Recipe category, it is essential that the tiramisu is prepared following the official recipe codified by the Tiramisu Academy with 6 ingredients: eggs, sugar, mascarpone, ladyfingers, coffee, cocoa. Stefano Serafini, lively 62 year old from Venice jeweler profession, presented his heart-shaped Tiramisu with a romantic message. It is not surprising that at his election as Champion he thanked his companion Elena with so much love! To follow in second place Elena Orfei with a clean floral presentation and in third place Nicola Ottaviani very traditional.

The best creative tiramisu in the world 2021

For the creative recipe category, we start from the original basic recipe and it is possible to add up to 3 ingredients and replace the biscuit. Wins from Belgium Elena Bonali with the Prosciutto and Melon tiramisu: incredible, but true. Originally from Milan, swimming teacher in Belgium in Braschaat (Antwerp), she beat the competition with her original and balanced idea. In second place comes Erika Luis of Udine with a tiramisu with yuzu and hazelnut paste, on the third Barbara Marcon of Asolo with a tiramisu with pistachio cream, raspberries and gold dust. The latter was very much liked by Massimo Linguanotto, son of the inventor of tiramesù in Treviso, the legendary Roberto Loli Linguarotto: "I'm looking for innovation and this idea of ​​the blueberry that lowers fat seems interesting to me".

How do you choose the best tiramisu in the world?

For the Selections popular judges were involved selected according to an online test that required the passing of 15 questions on the competition rules, recipe and history of Tiramisu. In the Semifinals and Final the jury is made up of professionals and experts in the sector – for the first time La Cucina Italiana also made its contribution as a jury in the Final for the Original Recipe and I can personally state that all 9 tiramisu I tasted were made very good. The competition criteria for decreeing the "best Tiramisu in the world" are:

– technical execution: evaluates the organization of the table, cleaning, management of ingredients, executive capacity;

– aesthetic presentation: evaluates the appearance, the arrangement of the plate, the decorations and the final aesthetic appeal;

– gustatory intensity: evaluates the strength and permanence in the mouth of the tasting;

– dish balance: evaluates the balance between the ingredients used;

– flavor and harmony: evaluates the pleasantness, intensity and harmony of flavors (right dosage of ingredients);

– harmony of taste and perception of lightness: evaluates the harmony of Tiramisu considering the balance between the pleasantness of the flavor and the perception of lightness.

Congratulations to the organization, to all competitors and to the city of Treviso!


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