Tag: champion

The secret to longevity? Alain’s champion breakfast – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


The secret to longevity? We should ask Alain Peyrot, 78 years old and with the body of a twenty-year-old in gym: six-pack abs, X-Men-style biceps, an energy and a smile that just looking at him makes you envious. And he makes you look at him. In fact, he seems to have made it a mission since he has become a social phenomenon with almost 200 thousand followers on Instagram and TikTok where, with the name Alain Gustaveposts videos of his super workouts and his busy, busy days.

The Secret of Longevity by Alain Gustave

After a life as an entrepreneur in the real estate sector, He now lives retired in his house in the mountains outside Lucerne, and leads a life extremely marked by physical activity, and in reality not only by that. He wakes up at six in the summer and a little later in the winter, then he shaves and always takes a cold shower. regardless of the season (he says it helps to have “discipline” and to stock up on energy for the day), then at 8 – and never later – the first training session begins: push-ups and sit-ups.

Instagram photo @alaingustave

Alain Gustave’s Breakfast of Champions

Between showering and training, Alain Gustave eats a very large breakfast. In a recent video entirely dedicated to the story of his typical day, he explained that he eats salty food for breakfast: usually two hard boiled or fried eggs, combined with a piece of cheese, a coffee with a little honey (but only exceptionally), dried fruit (usually almonds) and a protein shake. In short, a rich breakfast, but if you look closely, well thought out: dried fruit slows down the absorption of fats such as those contained in fried eggs or cheese (as well as sugars), and provides the body with good fats that are good for the heart and mineral salts such as calcium that are particularly needed during old age. The surplus of proteins that Alain Gustave allows himself with the smoothie is then justified by the amount of physical activity he does during the day: Proteins, in fact, are essential to provide the energy needed for such intense activity but also to promote post-workout muscle repair. If Alain added a slice of bread to this mix, his breakfast would be fully balanced: the carbohydrates would provide him with energy and the fibers they contain would also promote intestinal well-being.

The light dinner of longevity

But it is very likely that this over-seventy-year-old with the body of a twenty-year-old does it without specifying it, since he appears to be very careful about his health. This is also confirmed by the fact that he makes a textbook dinner: in the same video he says that in the evening always eat light, generally lots of vegetables, few fats and few carbohydrates, also to sleep better.

The perfect day


Handmade pasta with the recipe of the 2024 champion – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


27 years old, Sardinian from Sant’Antioco, Ylenia Parente is the first Italian champion of handmade pasta. In the kitchen by profession as well as by passion, she works at the restaurant of the T Hotel in Cagliari, and defeated the competition in the first edition of the Handmade Pasta Championship precisely with a Sardinian recipe, but revisited. A dish with a name “Cuttlefish and peas”or a unpublished round culurgiones based on squid ink and saffron, filled with cuttlefish cooked at low temperature and central livers, on a pea cream, shallot sauce with squid ink, tomato powder and dried and puffed cuttlefish skin.

A perfect dish, which immediately convinced the judges of the competition, the highlight of the third edition of the DMED – Mediterranean Diet Exhibition held in Paestum (Salerno). So much so that the jury, chaired by journalist Luciano Pignataroalso awarded her the special awards for the “Best Dough” and for better nutritional balance “Mediterranean Diet”.

Handmade pasta championship: the podium

He took second place in the competition, which involved chefs, pasta makers and cesarinas from all over Italy the Umbrian Michele Raspanti with the dish “Made in Italy…Paestum 1.0” based on tortelli with tricolor puff pastry made with red turnip and spinach, filled with veg cream, PGI hazelnut paste and topped with fresh summer truffle, fresh cigna, toasted hazelnuts and crunchy bread. In third place, however, the Neapolitan Domenico Pastena, with the dish “Porro Pork” based on ravioli filled with stewed pork and leek, seasoned with leek crumble, leek powder, tomato and ginger sauce, leek oil and mixed herbs. The award for the dish that best represented Italian tradition finally went to Onofrio Triolo: “Scents of Sicily” with underwire macaroni seasoned with onion, capers, sultanas, pine nuts, swordfish, blended with white wine and then yellow, peeled cherry tomatoes, wild fennel, anchovies in oil, breadcrumbed almonds and EVO oil.

The Italian champion of handmade pasta


Genoese pesto: 5 tips from the 2024 pesto champion – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


To achieve perfection, training is needed, but it is not enough on its own. The world champion himself explained it to us, giving us advice for a perfect Genoese pesto.

1. Haste is the enemy (also) of pesto

«I think I won for passion and accuracy. I don’t know if my technique is the best, what is certain is that a good pesto cannot be improvised”, said Bassi.

2. The quality of the ingredients is fundamental

For a Genoese pesto that deserves this name you must first of all respect the traditional recipe, that of the Genoese Pesto Consortium: DOP Genoese basil from the Ligurian Riviera, Italian pine nuts, garlic from Vessalico (Imperia), DOP Parmigiano Reggiano, Sardinian flower, sea salt from the Trapani salt pans, DOP Ligurian Riviera DOP extra virgin olive oil. «The ingredients must be respected to the letter, and must be of high quality. In particular pay attention to the Parmesanwhich must be well seasoned: minimum 24 and even better 30 months of maturation says Bassi.

3. Flavors must be balanced

The biggest risk you run with pesto is that it is too salty, due to the salt, pecorino and parmesan. «Proportions are important: I personally use them ¾ of Parmesan and ¼ of Sardinian flowerand I taste before adding the salt.”

4. You have to pound in a specific order

To obtain a perfect consistency it is essential to crush the ingredients in a certain order. “I I start with garlic and pine nuts and then set them aside: I empty the mortar to dedicate myself to the basil. I crush the leaves by grinding them in order to eliminate those filaments that give too strong a color to the pesto and do not make the consistency homogeneous. Then I continue: I pour in the garlic and pine nuts, then the cheeses and salt.”

5. Pesto isn’t just pasta

The classic preparation remains the one with pasta, but pesto is excellent in many other preparations, which in Genoa are cornerstones of home cooking: «Use it for every gnocchi and put a spoonful in the minestrone: the pesto is fantastic.

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