Tiramisu fantasy, the original recipe for a classic dessert – Italian Cuisine

Tiramisu fantasy, the original recipe for a classic dessert


Tiramisu fantasy, preparation

1) Shelled the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Mounted the egg yolks with the sugar and, separately, the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Mix the mascarpone with the egg yolk foam and then add the egg whites until stiff.

2) Prepare 12 shot glasses. Crumble roughly 4 biscuits of each type and distribute the macarons crumbs in 4
small glasses, those of petit beurre in another 4 and those of chocolate biscuits in the remaining 4.

3) Sprinkle with a little coffee, chocolate crumbs and petit beurre crumbs.

4) Fill up all the small glasses with the mascarpone cream and garnish with the remaining biscuits, pairing them with those used on the bottom.

5) Add orange zest on chocolate biscuits, walnuts on petit beurre and cinnamon on macarons.


Posted on 11/25/2021



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