Tag: original

Pappa al pomodoro: original recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pappa al pomodoro: original recipe


As well as being an immortal singing success by Rita Pavone, the tomato soup It is a legendary Tuscan peasant recipe, with a genuine and delicious flavour. A soup with an exceptional flavour and very easy to prepare, ideal for consuming stale bread from previous days, restoring its nobility and dignity in a crackling sauce, to be consumed hot or warm. And if you like the idea, here is aoriginal variation with pasta.

How to make tomato soup

The exceptional tomato soup It is prepared by blanching the tomatoes and removing the skin, then cutting them into cubes and cooking them in a pan with oil and garlic over low heat. Then add the bread, cut into small pieces and dipped into the boiling soup. Here are the steps for the tomato soup illustrated in detail, step by step.


Grandma’s Cake: Original Recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Grandma's Cake: Original Recipe


There Grandmother’s cake It’s a dessert that has so many variations, and it’s so easy that it’s perfect to prepare with the kids. It doesn’t take much and once the creams are ready, assembling the layers becomes simple and fun!

How to make grandma’s cake

Preparing it is a real piece of cake. Start with the custard and the chocolate and cream sauce, but first dedicate yourself to the base layer, that is the “fake sponge cake” which will act both as the base of the cake and as a separator between one cream and another.

Alternatively, if you are not a fan of sponge cake and want to use puff pastry, you can easily replace it! All you need to do is cook your puff pastry first, cut into rectangular pieces, as if you were preparing a cream puff pastry.

You can decide to make 3 layers of custard and one of chocolate, or the opposite, or do it entirely with one of the two fillings and choose the other as a final garnish on the last layer. In short, let your imagination run wild!

If you love these soft and fragrant sweets filled with creams rather than sweet sauces, you can also try your hand at the recipe for panettone Stuffeda delicious and different alternative to celebrate the Christmas holidays with an unexpected sweetness!


Crunchy and velvety, here is the recipe for an original and delicate appetizer – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Crunchy and velvety, here is the recipe for an original and delicate appetizer


Season with salt and pepper according to your taste. Divide the mixture into the buttered molds and level the surface with a spoon. In a bowl, mix the flour with the grated parmesan. Add the cold diced butter and work with your hands, making a sandy compound.


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