the perfect sweet snack for every season – Italian Cuisine

the perfect sweet snack for every season


Sweet and with a winter flavour, the almond brittle it’s a snack that smells of parties and a lit fireplace.

In the same way as Nougatof the logpanettone or pandoro, crunchy is part of the family of sweets Christmasa gentle cuddle that accompanies all the holidays from mid-November to late January.

Although there are many types on the market, almond brittle (like cashew brittle) is very easy to prepare at home: all you need is a small saucepan, a handful of brown sugar, the juice of half a lemon and, of course, dried fruit. . A few minutes on medium heat and then off to the fridge to firm up before becoming small squares to give as gifts or to enjoy at any time of the day.

For the crunchy to solidify properly it is advisable to spread the mixture on a sheet of baking paper and flatten it with the help of a spoon. If you have a blast chiller, a few minutes inside is enough for the crunchy to reach the right consistency.

We put the brown sugar in a saucepan together with the juice of half a lemon and put it on the heat to melt the sugar and turn it into caramel. Move the saucepan with rotating movements so that it melts evenly. When the caramel has formed, add the almonds and mix. Transfer the mixture onto a sheet of baking paper and flatten with the back of a spoon. Let it cool and cut into squares.


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