The made in Italy that you don't expect – Italian Cuisine



The oysters of the Gulf of Poets
In Italy we have small but excellent productions, such as those of the Delta of the Po, but the most surprising are the oysters of the gulf of Spice, which are even more popular in France. They are not just delicious, great and luscious, but they are also really unique because they have shades greens obtained in a natural way because it is due to the particular phytoplankton that characterizes the Gulf of Poets. Reintroduced ten years ago, today oysters have become a very product valued and requested that i 400 quintals produced every year are immediately purchased from specialty stores (like Eataly) and from local restaurants but also end up in oyster bar of the main Italian cities. It is also very popular in France.

To make oysters special Gulf of Poets it is precisely the particular "terroir (or" merroir "as they say here) where they grow: the high salinity of the waters (37-39%) makes them very much sapide, tasty and also "naturally" disinfected. And it does not require the use of feed or food "coloring" (such as algae) because the richness of the water causes the pulp to naturally turn green. Furthermore this stretch of sea is protected and therefore not very polluted, so much so that, as emerged from a study by the university of Genoa, La Spezia oysters contain 75% less microplastics than oceanic ones and 50% less than those from Mediterranean. And then there's the freshness factor. The oysters La Spezia they come out at noon and in the evening they are already on the table while the Breton ones arrive in Italy at least three days after being fished.

180014The oysters of the Gulf of Poets have also become a "call" for gourmand tourists who want to come and discover them and enjoy them directly in this splendid piece of Liguria. The Grand Hotel Portovenere proposes un exclusive excursion by boat that includes the tour of the islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto and the visit to the "rows of the sea". While enjoying a appetizer based on oysters, "Muscles" (ie mussels the zero kilometer) and local focaccia accompanied by white wine of the Cinque Terre an expert illustrates how they come bred the precious local oysters.

180020The Brescia caviar
In the end he also conquered the Russians, great producers but above all great admirers of caviar: and so the caviar "made in Italy" has arrived, successfully, also in Moscow. A nice recognition for a product that is born of a bet "Anti waste": exploit the large quantities of hot watersteelworks to allocate them to aquaculture. It was the 1977 when the members of a Brescia steelworks decide to try this road by founding the Agroittica Lombarda. At first they focus on eels but then they discover it sturgeon Pacific white (Acipenser transmontanus Richardson) and introduce the fry in Italy, where they fit very well. In 1992 he was born Calvisius Caviar, the white sturgeon caviar: characterized by eggs of great dimensions and a clean and round taste, the result of the mix of characteristics of territory, sustainable farming methods e processing manual crafts, is considered a delicacy and is sold for 95% abroad (especially in the most renowned restaurants). Production increases from year to year (today it is greater than that of Iran) and from 2016, after long years of waiting for the importation of the former specimens, expands with the famous caviar Beluga.

180017The "Japanese" meat of Bologna
It is considered the best meat in the world. It is obtained only from some valuable breeds of cattle Japanese, bred with care and in a natural way, to make the meat go through thick and thin streaks of fat (as they were marbled) that make them particularly morbidand, juicy and deliciously desserts. And they make it a very valuable food: in fact the meat Wagyu it is one of the most expensive foods in the world. But above all it is a pride of the Japan, and of the region of Kobe in particular. Yet today there is also (valuable) made in Italy version. Comes from Emilia where the company Lem Meats involved the University of Bologna with the intention of obtaining meat with similar characteristics to Wagyu. University veterinarians have studied what it was power best way to favor an optimum marbling of meat and today continue to control the Welfare of animals and management of animals farms. In fact, in addition to food, the project includes a method of breeding strictly controlled. The leaders must remain at pasture for at least 8-10 months, then moving to another stable 6-8 months. And they come right into the stable "Pampered" three times a week with a patented masseuse machine. The result is a tender and tasty meat, particularly rich in Omega 3 and, therefore, "friend" of cholesterol.

Manuela Soressi


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