All that ended up in place of Cattelan's banana – Italian Cuisine

All that ended up in place of Cattelan's banana


The work of art "Comedian !, sold for 120 thousand dollars and eaten by David Datuna, sparked irony on social media. Here are the funniest memes

There Cattelan's bananain the end it ended up in the belly of the artist David Datuna, which detached it from the white wall of the Perrotin galleryArt Basel of Miami (probably the most important art fair in the world) where it was attached with duct tape, e he ate it in one bite.

Thus ended the story of Comedian, the controversial work of the Paduan artist, who had been sold for 120 thousand dollars (a little more than 108 thousand euros)? No, and not just because neither the gallery nor Cattelan will resort to legal ways to sanction Datuna's irreverent gesture.

But also because, on social media, under the adhesive tape, he is finishing everything, in these hours. Each of the things that, in one way or another, are considered art by someone. And therefore, of course, food too. A bar has attached a croissant to the wall, announcing that, even if it doesn't cost 120 thousand dollars, "it won't stay there for long". With a warning to the artist that he ate the banana: «Datuna, this is better. Under the tape there is also a bottle of Aglianico del Vulture: «Cattelan, just moved, suggests the wine lover who published his work. There are also those who assert that «Fiano is the new banana, Publishing the image of the bottle of wine under the adhesive tape. "If Cattelan had been Molise …", an Instagram user speculates, probably instead of the banana he would have used three beautiful local sausages, just like he did.

A fish shop attacked a fish: "Banana, we prefer the strawberry". Then there is the Catania hamburgeria which ensures that "to taste a work of art you don't need 12 thousand dollars". And the sandwich shop that recommends: «Don't hit our sandwiches on the wall: magnatavill!. The pizzeria notes: "Cattelan's banana was sold for 120 thousand dollars. With the same money, though, you could buy about 24 thousand daisies. " A Sicilian cannoli, an Apulian panzerotto, a rusticotto are also finished under the adhesive tape. In short, if Cattelan wanted to make us reflect on the choice and the way in which we value an object, it probably succeeded. Also offering us an opportunity to rediscover the accessible works of art of Italian food and wine.


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