Tag: banana

Banana Ice Cream Recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Step 1

For the frozen banana cream with coconut and curry biscuits recipe, cut the bananas into slices and arrange them on a tray, then put them in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Step 2

Crumble the cocoa biscuits and mix them with a pinch of curry.

Step 3

Blend the frozen bananas with the milk and sugar to obtain a cream. Serve with curry biscuits and flaked coconut.

Step 4

Wine pairing: Cold fruit desserts pair well with sweet, aromatic bubbles. Mezzacorona’s Moscato Giallo Spumante is fragrant and citrusy and has the personality to pair well with the spicy note of curry. 11 euros, mezzacorona.it

Recipe: Emanuele Frigerio, Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


Banana Cheesecake – ‘s Recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Banana Cheesecake - Misya's Recipe


First, melt the butter in the microwave and, separately, finely blend the biscuits, then add the butter and mix.
Pour the mixture into the mold lined with baking paper and compact it well with the bottom of a glass or a small bowl, then leave to rest in the refrigerator.

Soak the gelatine in cold water for 10 minutes.

Peel the banana, cut it into pieces and blend it with lemon juice and vanilla until you obtain a smooth cream.

Mix the cheese with the sugar and banana.
Gently squeeze the gelatine and dissolve it in 100 ml (taken from the total) of hot cream; whip the remaining cream, very cold from the fridge.

First incorporate the cream and gelatine into the cheese mixture, mixing well, and then the whipped cream, mixing delicately so as not to deflate it.

Take the base, pour the cream obtained on top and level the surface well, then put it back in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Take the cheesecake, gently turn it out and decorate with whipped cream and banana slices.

The banana cheesecake is ready, all you have to do is serve it.


10 delicious banana desserts for Banana day – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Obviously banana sweets: what, if not, to celebrate Banana day? Besides, who doesn’t like bananas? A favorite fruit of children, the banana has always been one of the most loved fruits by everyone. In fact, for half a century now, the bananas they have gained a prestigious role on the table of the world population. Not surprisingly, the banana It appears to be the most consumed fruit in the worldthanks to its characteristic flavor and also to its nutritional properties. The banana is the fruit of the Musa sapientum, located in Malaysia. Today it is cultivated in most of the tropical and subtropical areas of the planet. Major producers include Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil.

The National Banana Day is celebrated on April 19th, the day dedicated to the magical exotic fruit. We want to celebrate it together with you with advice, curiosities and many tasty recipes.

Bananas: properties and benefits

Banana is a good source of vitamins, minerals (especially potassium), fibers and phytosterols and is characterized by a low glycemic index. From these properties derive advantages for the cardiovascular system, for digestion and for the nutrition of those who practice resistance sports. One bananajust think, contains between 20 and 30 percent of our needs potassium. The precious mineral that protects the heart and cardiovascular system, and helps bones and muscles not to deteriorate. This premise would be enough to be good banana eaters. However, a 100 gram banana contains around 100 calories. Banana is also rich in starch and, like all foods that contain it, it has the important characteristic of providing energy to our body, but also of slowing down digestion, so it is advisable not to consume it in the evening, to avoid the risk of gaining weight.

Uses in the kitchen

But aside from the benefits and properties of bananas, there are also its versatile features use in the kitchen. They can be blended, eaten in the morning for breakfast, as a snack (avoid them after lunch and dinner), or even combined with many desserts. Banana is even excellent alternative to milk and eggsto prepare desserts and savory pies: a delight for vegetarians and for vegans.

Bananas: when to eat them?

Pay attention to two important things when eating bananas. The first: they must be ripe, so they are more effective, from the point of view of the properties they have, and better digestible. To ripen them, when you have bought them rather green in the final part (where the banana opens) or still hard, it is very simple: just keep them out of the refrigerator, where they should go if they are already ripe. Second thing: Even if you like them a lot, don’t overdo it. Bananas are not exactly easy to digest, especially if you make the mistake of eating them after meals.

Our most delicious desserts with bananas


Bananas: 10 delicious desserts


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