Sweet red currant braid with chopped pistachios – Italian Cuisine

Sweet red currant braid with chopped pistachios


Sweet red currant braid with chopped pistachios, preparation

1) Dissolve the yeast in a little warm milk with a pinch of sugar and do rest 10 minutes. Place the flour in a heap with a spoonful of sugar and place the soft butter into small pieces in the center and the beaten egg with the remaining, warmed milk.

2) United the yeast batter e knead until you get a smooth and elastic ball. Engrave cross the ball, put it in a large bowl, cover with a damp cloth not in contact and let it rise in a warm place for a couple of hours.

3) Grainy the currants and collect 300 g in a saucepan together with the remaining sugar. Cook on a low flame for about 20 minutes, to dry a little.

4) Take back the pasta and roll it out with a rolling pin, forming a rectangle of 50×40 cm. Spread it with the currant compote, add the shelled currant kept aside and sprinkle with the biscuits.

5) Form a cylinder, rolling the dough starting from one long side. Score the roll lengthwise and separate the 2 halves: wrap them in a very soft braid, keeping the cut part always upwards.

6) Hide the ends of the braid and transfer it to a rectangular mold with high edges measuring 25×18 cm, compressing it so that it fills it. You do rest for 20 minutes.

7) Sprinkle with the sugar grains e bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes; then spread the chopped pistachios over the surface and cook for another 15 minutes. Let cool before serving.


Posted on 22/09/2021



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